Prayer - Olive Tree Bible Software

Study Through the Summer!


For the Olive Tree Bible App

Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe: A 30-Day Guide to Powerful and Effective Scripture-Based Prayers

Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe: A 30-Day Guide to Powerful and Effective Scripture-Based Prayers

by Sharon Jaynes

Prayer is a parent’s greatest superpower! This unique devotional for mothers leads you through sixteen areas of your child’s life from head (thoughts) to shoulders (burdens) to hands (gifts) to feet (the path ahead).   God has given parents the privilege of shaping not just a human being but an eternal soul. That responsibility can feel over… Read more…

Freedom from My Fears: 40 Meditations on David's Psalms and Prayers

Freedom from My Fears: 40 Meditations on David's Psalms and Prayers

by Harold Myra

Often we celebrate King David as a “man after God’s own heart,” and he was that, but his spiritual successes sat side by side with anxiety, desperation, crushing sinfulness, and repentance. Harold Myra brings you alongside David to pray through the songs of David's heart. This journey reveals how you too can bring your difficulties and … Read more…

Honesty with God: Learning to Pray from the Psalms

Honesty with God: Learning to Pray from the Psalms

by Dan Schaeffer

The Psalms are refreshingly honest, and they give authentic examples of how to pray. In Honesty with God, you’ll discover the freedom to talk openly with God by uncovering the raw, real prayers of the psalmists who expressed every emotion of the heart—anxiety, anger, gratitude, delight. As you follow in their footsteps, you'll pray bold, powe… Read more…

How to Resurrect a Dead Prayer Life: Transforming Your Prayers into a Spirit-Empowered, Life-Giving Adventure

How to Resurrect a Dead Prayer Life: Transforming Your Prayers into a Spirit-Empowered, Life-Giving Adventure

by Bill Thrasher

The battle for prayer—transforming drudgery into joy and life-giving intimacy with God. We know that prayer is important—it’s the lifeblood of the Christian life. But almost all believers find prayer to be hard. We can experience discouragement or disillusionment in our prayer lives. We get distracted and disheartened.What can we do… Read more…

Papa Prayer: The Prayer You've Never Prayed

Papa Prayer: The Prayer You've Never Prayed

by Larry Crabb

Narrated by Rob Lamont

Learn the revolutionary way to talk with God!Like millions of Christians, Dr. Larry Crabb has always considered his prayer life a weakness – "dull, intense only in crisis, occasionally meaningful and passionate but mostly lifelessly routine." But for everyone who struggles to pray in a way that matters, who is bored with prayer and doesn't know whe… Read more…

Take Every Thought Captive: Exchange Lies of the Enemy for the Mind of Christ

Take Every Thought Captive: Exchange Lies of the Enemy for the Mind of Christ

by Kelly Balarie

We do not have a spirit of fear and timidity; we have a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. When we walk by the Spirit, we are not conformed to a world of worry and anxiety. Bad habits must cease. Negativity, confusion, and worry are banished. The enemy has no playground. Sound impossible? With God, nothing is impossible. Author and speaker Kelly Balari… Read more…

Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Helps Us Trust God in a Chaotic World

Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Helps Us Trust God in a Chaotic World

by Taylor Turkington

At times, our chaotic world reveals hints of the utter brokenness in which we live, like a peek behind the veneer. Neighbors taking advantage of others, unjust verdicts, and unfair beginnings. As people of faith in a powerful God, we want to lift our faces to heaven to cry out or bury our face in our hands to whisper prayers. Either way we utter things like … Read more…

Estoy orando por ti

Estoy orando por ti

by Nancy Guthrie

Cuando escuchamos que un amigo está luchando, puede ser fácil decir: « Estoy orando por ti », pero más difícil es saber por qué orar realmente. A través de cuarenta pasajes de las Escrituras cuidadosamente escogidos, Nancy Guthrie abre la riqueza de las Escrituras para enseñarnos cómo orar por aquellos q… Read more…

Journey to Victorious Praying: Finding Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life

Journey to Victorious Praying: Finding Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life

by Bill Thrasher

Narrated by Paul Juedes

Why is it so hard to pray? It’s something many Christians can relate to: the desire to pray but the failure to execute. A Journey to Victorious Praying will tell readers why this is—and how to move past it. Addressing common misconceptions about prayer, then offering biblical truths and practices instead, Bill Thrasher teaches readers how to: … Read more…

Liturgy in the Wilderness: How the Lord's Prayer Shapes the Imagination of the Church in a Secular Age

Liturgy in the Wilderness: How the Lord's Prayer Shapes the Imagination of the Church in a Secular Age

by D J Marotta

Narrated by Stephen de Groot

What you pray . . . shapes what you believe . . . shapes how you live. The Lord’s Prayer is a beautiful, subversive passage of words given to the church by Jesus. It forms our imaginations and—given time—transforms us. And today, we are in desperate need of renewed imaginations. Christians are living in a wilderness of secularism. T… Read more…

Loudest Roar: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ

Loudest Roar: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ

by Judy Dunagan

Narrated by Stephen de Groot

Take heart. The enemy’s roar is but a whisper in the presence of our mighty God. Do you often feel stuck battling the same fears, temptations, lies, and doubts, wondering if you’ll ever overcome them? Does it seem as if you’re in that battle alone? Author Judy Dunagan has been there. In The Loudest Roar, you’ll marvel at … Read more…

Spurgeon on Persevering Through Trials

Spurgeon on Persevering Through Trials

by Jason K. Allen

Narrated by Tim Mullins

When Spurgeon speaks, you’d be wise to listen.The great London preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon had a lot to say during his four decades of ministry at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. And beyond his mighty voice, Spurgeon’s pen churned out countless words of biblical interpretation and Christian wisdom. These words can still encourage us today!Vo… Read more…

(Number of titles: 714)