Resources by N. T. Wright - Olive Tree Bible Software

Study Through the Summer!

Resources by N. T. Wright

For the Olive Tree Bible App

John - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

John - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright manages to unravel the great complexity of the extraordinary Gospel of John. He describes it as ""one of the great books in the literature of the world; and part of its greatness is the way it reveals its secrets not just to a high-flown leaning but … Read more…

Early Christian Letters (James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude): For Everyone Commentary Series

Early Christian Letters (James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude): For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

In this penultimate volume of the New Testament for Everyone series, Tom Wright explores the early Christian letters, also known as the general or catholic epistles. These letters include James; first and second Peter; first, second, and third John; and Jude. Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books o… Read more…

Acts - Part 1: For Everyone Commentary Series

Acts - Part 1: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke's Gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. His writing captures the vivid way in which Luke's work draws u… Read more…

Revelation: For Everyone Commentary Series

Revelation: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

In this final installment of the New Testament for Everyone series, Tom Wright explores the book of Revelation. With clear, accessible language, Wright offers us an entrance into the final book of the New Testament. While the book of Revelation has often been written off as a foretelling of doom, it is much more complex than this and has captured the imagina… Read more…

Acts - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

Acts - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke's Gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. His writing captures the vivid way in which Luke's work draws us… Read more…

Romans - Part 1: For Everyone Commentary Series

Romans - Part 1: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us see the great sweep of this letter. Romans has long been viewed as the book above all in which Paul puts forth the basic doctrines of the faith, and the picture of God's life for us. It is the classic setting-out of the Gospel. Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous t… Read more…

Romans - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

Romans - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us see the great sweep of this letter. Romans has long been viewed as the book above all in which Paul puts forth the basic doctrines of the faith, and the picture of God's life for us. It is the classic setting-out of the Gospel. Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous t… Read more…

1 Corinthians: For Everyone Commentary Series

1 Corinthians: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright shows us the liveliness of cosmopolitan Corinth and reveals the wisdom and challenge of Paul's writing, bringing out the pastoral sensitivity and deep insight that make this letter one of Paul's crowning achievements. Tom W… Read more…

Matthew - Part 1: For Everyone Commentary Series

Matthew - Part 1: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the Gospel of Matthew and what it might mean for us are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and excitement of Matthew's Gospel in a way few wri… Read more…

2 Corinthians: For Everyone Commentary Series

2 Corinthians: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to understand from the beginning of the second letter to the Corinthians that something unexplained yet terrible has happened. We feel the pain of Paul from the very opening lines as he confronts dreadful issues of sorrow and hurt, emerging … Read more…

Matthew - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

Matthew - Part 2: For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the Gospel of Matthew and what it might mean for us are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and excitement of Matthew's Gospel in a way few wri… Read more…

Paul's Prison Letters (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon): For Everyone Commentary Series

Paul's Prison Letters (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon): For Everyone Commentary Series

by N. T. Wright

Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright captures the verve and sparkle of these letters. Paul wrote the letters while in prison facing possible death, but their passion and energy are undimmed. They reveal Paul's longing to see young churches grow in faith and understanding, rooted in … Read more…

(Number of titles: 76)