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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Start your Bible Study with Free resources for the Olive Tree Bible App.

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Can I Have Joy in My Life?

Can I Have Joy in My Life?

by R. C. Sproul

Joy is a popular topic in Western culture today. Books explain how to find joy in a wide variety of activities. We speak of “joyous” occasions such as weddings and births. We sing about “Joy to the World” at Christmas. “Joy” remains a popular name for girls. But given the extent to which joy seems to be on our minds, few people seem to have it or… Read more…

Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?

Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?

by R. C. Sproul

Many people in the church today are plagued by doubts about their salvation. Satan whispers that it is impossible that sinners such as they could be in a state of grace, and some churches compound the problem by teaching that it is possible for believers to lose their salvation. But assurance of salvation is possible in this life. Indeed, … Read more…

Westminster Confession of Faith with Larger & Shorter Catechism

Westminster Confession of Faith with Larger & Shorter Catechism

Written as a tool to be used by churches, families, and individuals, the Westminster Standards were intended to unify and teach Christians on matters of theology and practice. For those interested in learning about Reformed teaching, the Westminster Shorter Catechism is an excellent place to start. The Shorter Catechism is very approachab… Read more…

London Baptist Confession of Faith & Catechism

London Baptist Confession of Faith & Catechism

This set includes the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and the Baptist Catechism, also called Keach’s Catechism. If, like many evangelicals, you enjoy reading the sermons of Charles Spurgeon, this resource is an excellent place to get started understanding the theology he held and taught. Spurgeon wrote of the London Baptist Confe… Read more…

Luther's 95 Theses

Luther's 95 Theses

by Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a German monk, priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. His "Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" (oft-titled Luther's 95 Theses) is one of the most influential documents in Christendom. Disputing the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money… Read more…

Psalms of David in Metre

Psalms of David in Metre

This is a translation of the Psalms for singing. Rhyme and rhythm were part of the goal in the translation of this Psalter so that God’s people could obey the command to teach and admonish “one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Andrew Duncan in 1882 wrote, “This version… Read more…

Your Dream. God's Plan. Free Extended Preview: Are You Longing for Something More?

Your Dream. God's Plan. Free Extended Preview: Are You Longing for Something More?

by Margot Starbuck and Tiffany Smiling

FREE EXTENDED PREVIEW!Satisfaction can be yours, but it might look different than you thought. Like a lot of young women, Tiffany Smiling had been assured that the path to fulfillment looked like the one she’d seen in her favorite movies: She’d be swept away by a soul mate, live in a southern estate, and start a family.But Tiffany’s story u… Read more…

Are People Basically Good?

Are People Basically Good?

by R. C. Sproul

Are People Basically Good? The philosopher Blaise Pascal called man “the supreme paradox,” because compared to all other creatures, he is both the most magnificent and the most miserable. What did Pascal mean? The answer goes to the heart of what the Bible says about man. Man is created in the image of God, but the B… Read more…

Olive Tree People of the Bible: 10 Important Biblical Figures

Olive Tree People of the Bible: 10 Important Biblical Figures

Olive Tree People: 10 Important Biblical Figures provides information about the individuals who populate the Bible. Featuring a mix of people from the Old and New Testaments, this compilation gives details about the lives of men and women chosen by God to play an important role in His plan. In addition to browsing this work, readers will … Read more…

The Story Of Jesus, As Told By His Friend John

The Story Of Jesus, As Told By His Friend John

by Robert Mounce

The Story Of Jesus As Told By His Friend John is the the Gospel of John put into contemporary English and told as a first-person account. Where John uses the pronoun “we/us/our” he is referring to himself and the other disciples. Let John be your narrator. He was there when it all happened and will tell you the story in his own words. … Read more…

Olive Tree 30 Day Devotional

Olive Tree 30 Day Devotional

Join Charles Spurgeon, D. L. Moody, F. B. Meyer, Andrew Murray, and other Christian authors in daily devotions that will encourage, uplift, and challenge your faith in God. Each day focuses on a different topic, includes a passage from the Bible, and contains insight to help you grow in your understanding of God.… Read more…

Olive Tree Places of the Bible: 10 Important Biblical Locations

Olive Tree Places of the Bible: 10 Important Biblical Locations

Olive Tree Places: 10 Important Biblical Locations, offers details about towns, cities, and regions where some of the most important events in the Bible took place. From material on geographic locations to how each place is tied to fabric of biblical history, this compilation provides information that will enrich your study of the Bible and enhance your und… Read more…

(Number of titles: 207)