Resources by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

For the Olive Tree Bible App

A Little God Time for Women: 365 Daily Devotions

A Little God Time for Women: 365 Daily Devotions

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,to the one who seeks him;it is good to wait quietlyfor the salvation of the LORD.Lamentations 3:25-26 NIV When everything else in life demands your attention, get away with God to find the strength and peace you need to get through each day. This daily devotional provides you with inspirational Scriptu… Read more…

365 Days with Jesus

365 Days with Jesus

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Call to me and I will answer you,and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.Jeremiah 33:3 ESV When do you find time to connect with God? Even if you try to be intentional about it, everyday activities and responsibilities often find a way to crowd out time with Jesus. Prayer can happen at any time, and of course it does, but there… Read more…

Still Small Voice: 365 Meditations on the Words of Jesus

Still Small Voice: 365 Meditations on the Words of Jesus

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

The Lord was not in the wind…the Lord was not in the earthquake…the Lord was not in the fire;and after the fire a still small voice.1 Kings 19:11-12 NKJV How do you hear God’s voice? Very few of us experience him speaking audibly. More often we hear him in the quiet. In the stillness.… Read more…

A Daily Word for Boys: A 365-day Devotional

A Daily Word for Boys: A 365-day Devotional

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

How can a young person keep their life pure?By living according to your word.Psalm 119:9 NIRV Living for God can be hard. You hear so many different messages about what is right and wrong, and that can be very confusing. God’s Word is full of truth and light and life, and it can lead you into making good decisions every day. Spending time wit… Read more…

Daily Strength for Overcoming Depression & Anxiety: A 365-Day Devotional

Daily Strength for Overcoming Depression & Anxiety: A 365-Day Devotional

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

The circumstances of life may have you feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious, or even depressed. Isn’t it encouraging to know that God’s love is not dependent on your situation? Because his love for you is unchanging and his promises are true, you can choose to believe that today will be a good day.Find the hope, joy, and strength… Read more…

365 días de oración para la depresión y la ansiedad

365 días de oración para la depresión y la ansiedad

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Cuando los problemas de la vida te abruman y te sientes caer en el pozo de la depresión o estás lleno de ansiedad, encuentra tu paz en Dios. Siéntete tranquilo sabiendo que Dios se preocupa profundamente por ti y estará contigo en tus momentos más oscuros.365 días de oración por la depresión y la ansiedad es una colecci&… Read more…

365 Days of Courage

365 Days of Courage

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Courage isn’t something that comes naturally to most. The only way to truly be brave is to walk in the confidence that comes from knowing God and relying on him to be your strength. When you spend time with him, he will fill you with peace and hope for the future. When you finally see yourself as God sees you, you will recognize the talents and abiliti… Read more…

Love Always: 365 Daily Devotions for Couples

Love Always: 365 Daily Devotions for Couples

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Love. According to 1 Corinthians 13:7, “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Always. There’s a word that we would rather ignore. Is it even possible to always choose love? The first days or weeks of marriage might feel easy; loving your spouse is as natural as breathing. But if you’ve been married … Read more…

Oraciones y promesas para los hombres

Oraciones y promesas para los hombres

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

¡Es una bendición maravillosa ser un hijo de Dios! Puedes sentirte muy feliz sabiendo que Él te creó con un propósito y desea tener una relación íntima contigo. Pasar tiempo en su Palabra cada día te llenará de fuerza, sabiduría y paz.Oraciones y promesas para los hombres incorpora más de s… Read more…

365 días de oración para hombres

365 días de oración para hombres

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Ya sea que hayas hecho de la oración un hábito durante muchos años o que este sea tu primer devocionario de oración, en las oraciones diarias escritas aquí encontrarás la inspiración que necesitas.En última instancia, la oración es una conversación con Dios. No es necesario utilizar palabras elegantes… Read more…

Mi tiempo con Dios para niñas: 365 días devocionario

Mi tiempo con Dios para niñas: 365 días devocionario

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Si buscas algo para comenzar el día bien, ¡has venido al lugar correcto! La verdad de Dios te animará y te llenará de gozo mientras pasas tiempo con Él. Este libro contiene devociones, escrituras y oraciones para que medites en ellas. Tú eres una niña hermosa, eres amada y fuiste creada con un propósito. No hay nadi… Read more…

365 Days of Friendship: Devotions on How to Be a Good Friend

365 Days of Friendship: Devotions on How to Be a Good Friend

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

One of the most precious things about life is the gift of friendship. Receiving a kind word from a friend can make all the difference in your day. Good friends believe the best about you and often have an inspired, beautifully timed way of expressing it. The sincere words of an encouraging friend bring life.As you read these devotions and Scriptures, be insp… Read more…

(Number of titles: 116)