Church & Pastoral - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Church & Pastoral

For the Olive Tree Bible App

I Am a Christian: Discovering What It Means to Follow Jesus Together with Fellow Believers

I Am a Christian: Discovering What It Means to Follow Jesus Together with Fellow Believers

by Thom S. Rainer

In this concise book, respected pastor, author, and church consultant Thom Rainer explains how the local church is God’s primary plan for reaching the world with his love. “I am a Christian” and “I am a church member” go hand in hand.What does it really mean to be a Christian? In a world where everything from sports to politics, social media to pod… Read more…

Calling Out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership

Calling Out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership

by Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt

Ministry comes with many weighty responsibilities. Ministry leaders are called to teach, serve, and lead. But in leading those under their care, there comes a moment when they recognize the future leaders under their leadership. With this recognition comes an all too familiar question: What comes next?   In Calling Out the Called, Scott Pace and Shane P… Read more…

Cartas abiertas: Un llamado a vivir con transparencia

Cartas abiertas: Un llamado a vivir con transparencia

by Michel Alexander Galeano

Es fácil preferir mostrar una imagen de nosotros de lo que no somos en vez de buscar la transparencia que revela lo que verdaderamente somos. Sin embargo, la transparencia no es el fin, sino un medio para la transformación espiritual como cartas abiertas. Este libro busca ayudar a las personas a entender que hemos sido creados por Dios para buscar la… Read more…

Fight for Your Pastor

Fight for Your Pastor

by Peter Orr

Practical Ways to Support and Care for Your Pastor Do you pray for your pastors? Do you encourage them? Do you have realistic expectations for them? The office of pastor is simultaneously a rewarding and draining position. Pasto… Read more…

Mission for Meaning: The Choices That Lead to the Life You Really Want

Mission for Meaning: The Choices That Lead to the Life You Really Want

by Gabriel Conte

Narrated by Gabriel Conte and Jess Conte

Read by the author.For anyone who feels like they'll never live the life they dream of living, let social media sensation and entrepreneur Gabriel Conte be an inspiration to you: The life you want can be yours. And you can begin to earn it, achieve it, and live it right now.Gabriel Conte has created a life that others dream of--he's married to t… Read more…

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Servicio: ¿Cómo puedo contribuir?

Servicio: ¿Cómo puedo contribuir?

by Mike McKinley

A aquellos que confían en Jesús y quieren vivir para Él no les toma mucho tiempo encontrarse con la idea de que hemos sido bendecidos por Dios para ser de bendición a otros. Los detalles de ese servicio, sin embargo, no son fáciles. Puede ser tedioso, y muchas veces incluso molesto, frustrante y desalentador. Cuando intentamos se… Read more…

Communication in Mission: Global Opportunities and Challenges

Communication in Mission: Global Opportunities and Challenges

by Marcus Dean, Scott Moreau, Sue Russell and Rochelle Scheuermann

Communicating the Gospel—To All People, By All Means  Communication has always been the heartbeat of God’s interaction with humankind, and without thoughtful communication, mission is not fully effective. With the rise of technology and social media, the church faces a unique set of opportunities. At the same time, our shrinking world p… Read more…

What If Jesus Was Serious about the Church?: A Visual Guide to Becoming the Community Jesus Intended

What If Jesus Was Serious about the Church?: A Visual Guide to Becoming the Community Jesus Intended

by Skye Jethani

Narrated by Brian Conover

Researchers have uncovered the following three trends: First, distrust of institutions, including the church, is at an all-time high. Second, young people raised in the church are leaving at alarming rates and not returning. Third, loneliness and social isolation are at pandemic levels. What’s the connection? It appears that an entire generation is s… Read more…

Redeeming Productivity: Getting More Done for the Glory of God

Redeeming Productivity: Getting More Done for the Glory of God

by Reagan Rose

Feeling overwhelmed and unproductive? The answer isn’t to do more. What image forms in your mind when you think of productivity? An assembly line? Spreadsheets? Business suits or workplace uniforms? In the ancient world, productivity didn't conjure images like these. Instead, it referred to crop yield and fruit bearing. This agrarian imager… Read more…

Mentor for Life: Finding Purpose through Intentional Discipleship

Mentor for Life: Finding Purpose through Intentional Discipleship

by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

Narrated by Tyra Kennedy and Rick N Jones

Today’s Christian women do not simply want nice fellowships and cookie-cutter answers about how to deal with life. Though churches are filled with good ministry programming—activities, outreach events, and an endless selection of options—many churches neglect their fundamental mission to make disciples.   Christian women want… Read more…

A Just Mission: Laying Down Power and Embracing Mutuality

A Just Mission: Laying Down Power and Embracing Mutuality

by Mekdes Haddis

Why do American Christians travel overseas to reach people in distant lands, but neglect ministering to people who immigrate from those lands to their home communities?Why does Western missions funding depend on narratives that marginalize indigenous leadership?Why are diaspora Christians from the Global South not seen as legitimate missionaries to the West?… Read more…

The Sacred Us: A Call to Radical Christian Community

The Sacred Us: A Call to Radical Christian Community

by Justin Kendrick

For every person who has felt lonely or isolated, The Sacred Us explores a new way of living through the practice of biblical community. In a world that celebrates individuality and autonomy, too many of us struggle to form deep, meaningful relationships. Loneliness is the norm, rich friendships are rare, and the church is no exception. We long for real comm… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1917)