Church History - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Church History

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Shepherd's Notes: Writings of Justin Martyr

Shepherd's Notes: Writings of Justin Martyr

by Karen O. Bullock

The well known black and yellow striped Cliff’s Notes are a legend to generations of students and learners looking to grasp everything from great literary works to algebra. But where can Christians turn when they need a reliable, easy-to-understand guide to the Bible and great Christian works? To Shepherd's Notes, a series designed to help the faithful… Read more…

Shepherd's Notes: Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion

Shepherd's Notes: Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion

by Mark DeVries and Kirk Freeman

The well known black and yellow striped Cliff’s Notes are a legend to generations of students and learners looking to grasp everything from great literary works to algebra. But where can Christians turn when they need a reliable, easy-to-understand guide to the Bible and great Christian works? To Shepherd's Notes, a series designed to help the faithful… Read more…

Peter, Stephen, James, and John

Peter, Stephen, James, and John

by F. F. Bruce

It is plain from Paul’s writings that presentations of the Christian message other than his own were current during his apostolic career. This concise and scholarly study describes four of the non-Pauline movements in the early church, each of which can be identified with a particular leader: Peter, acknowledged leader of the apostles; Stephen and the Hell… Read more…

Defending First-Century Faith

Defending First-Century Faith

by F. F. Bruce

What is the gospel? And how was it first preached — and defended? As they eagerly told the world about Jesus Christ, early Christians met with many forms of opposition: religious opposition (from the Jews), cultural opposition (from paganism), political opposition (from the Roman empire), and philosophical opposition (from "Christian de… Read more…

New Testament History

New Testament History

by F. F. Bruce

The story of the New Testament is best understood when it is set in its historical context, which is what F.F. Bruce does brilliantly in this book. He begins by explaining the political, social, intellectual, and religious aspects of the Jewish people after their return from exile. The life and ministry of Jesus is then set within that culture. … Read more…

Spreading Flame

Spreading Flame

by F. F. Bruce

Covering the period of church history from its infancy to the conversion of the Enlgish in AD 800, this story of the early Christian church pictures an unquenchable spiritual force organized for tribulation, with spiritual resources never stronger than in times of seeming disaster. Bruce gives the reader a feel for the evangelistic fervor of the Apostles and… Read more…

Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls

Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls

by F. F. Bruce

"I felt as if I were discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls myself," said one reviewer because "the book is exciting to read." Although first written fewer than ten years after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, this third edition (1964) is an excellent, readable introduction to "the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times." F.F. Bruce’s balanced and t… Read more…

Know How We Got Our Bible Text, Audio & Audio Lecture Collection

Know How We Got Our Bible Text, Audio & Audio Lecture Collection

by Charles E. Hill and Ryan Matthew Reeves

Narrated by Ryan Matthew Reeves

The easy accessibility of the Bible in most of the world's major languages can obscure a dramatic and sometimes unexpected story. In Know How We Got Our Bible, scholars Ryan Reeves and Charles Hill trace the history of the Bible from its beginnings to the present day, highlighting key figures and demonstrating overall the reliability of Scripture. &#… Read more…

Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition, The: Atonement, Saving Faith, and the Gospel Offer in Scotland (1718–1799)

Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition, The: Atonement, Saving Faith, and the Gospel Offer in Scotland (1718–1799)

by William VanDoodewaard

After the Reformation, the Marrow Controversy of the eighteenth century is noted as one of the most significant and defining events in the Scottish church. However, until now, there has not been a serious analysis of the theology of the Marrow Men as it relates to churches in Scotland during the aftermath of the controversy. In this important study, William … Read more…

Theology of the French Reformed Churches, The

Theology of the French Reformed Churches, The

by Martin Klauber

The Theology of the French Reformed Churches introduces us to the Huguenots of the seventeenth century. The period was an unusual one in which France boasted two state religions, Roman Catholic and Protestant, due to the protections afforded the latter by the Edict of Nantes in 1598. In this book, Martin I. Klauber and his team of scholars survey the develop… Read more…

Life and Times of Arthur Hildersham, The

Life and Times of Arthur Hildersham, The

by Lesley A. Rowe

"Arthur Hildersham is, to a large extent, a forgotten Puritan. Since Samuel Clarke compiled a thirteen-page account of his life in the seventeenth century, there has been no biography of Hildersham. But during his lifetime, Hildersham was one of the most revered and prominent Puritan figures. His story, combined with a study of his printed works, is rewardin… Read more…

Faith Worth Teaching, A: The Heidelberg Catechism’s Enduring Heritage

Faith Worth Teaching, A: The Heidelberg Catechism’s Enduring Heritage

by John D. Payne

For 450 years, churches throughout the world have been using the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) to instruct God’s people in foundational Christian doctrine. When Elector Frederick III (1515–1576) commissioned the preparation of a manual for instructing the youth and guiding the pastors and teachers of his domain, he could not have imagined the profound effe… Read more…

(Number of titles: 371)