New Releases - Olive Tree Bible Software

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New Releases

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Moments with God for Grandparents: 100 Devotions to Connect Faith and Family

Moments with God for Grandparents: 100 Devotions to Connect Faith and Family

Make the most of the moments you have with your grandchildren through the guidance of this 100-day devotional. Compiled by Dave Branon, longtime Our Daily Bread writer and grandfather of eight, this devotional will help you draw nearer to God as you read His Word and consider thought-provoking, real-life illustrations. Then you will be prompted to pray and t… Read more…

Brotherhood: 40 Success Stories and Faith Principles for Black Men in Community

Brotherhood: 40 Success Stories and Faith Principles for Black Men in Community

by Joyce Dinkins and Diane Proctor Reeder

Recounting true stories of success, failure, and overcoming, Black Christian men share how they've been discipled and trained, and in turn mentored other Black men, including those whom society often writes off. In this devotional compilation, these faith leaders pass their hard-earned wisdom to the next generation, offering hope through their relatable … Read more…

My Utmost for His Highest: Modern Classic Language (365-Day Devotional using NIV)

My Utmost for His Highest: Modern Classic Language (365-Day Devotional using NIV)

by Oswald Chambers

Hear Oswald Chambers speak even more clearly and profoundly than ever before! Both new and longtime readers of My Utmost for His Highest will find renewed passion to be all for God in this 365-day devotional. Using the New International Version® (NIV®) Bible text, the Modern Classic Hardcover Edition smooths out the obscurities of the original withou… Read more…

Bearing God: Living A Christ-Formed Life in Uncharted Waters

Bearing God: Living A Christ-Formed Life in Uncharted Waters

by Marlena Graves

Imagine yourself with Jesus, in a boat on the sea, as a sudden storm fills the other passengers with fear.When the priest read this Gospel story in Mark 4, Marlena Graves didn’t see herself as the terrified disciples, lacking faith. She wasn’t Jesus, peacefully sleeping through the danger. She wasn’t the wind or the waves. According to Graves, “I was… Read more…

Ache for Meaning: How the Temptations of Christ Reveal Who We Are and What We're Seeking

Ache for Meaning: How the Temptations of Christ Reveal Who We Are and What We're Seeking

by Tommy Brown

Will I have enough? Am I enough? Do I matter?Deep in our souls is an ache that longs to be noticed, filled, transformed. And that ache boils down to these three fundamental questions.The extraordinary thing is that we find the answers to all three questions in the temptations of Christ. As Jesus faces the wilderness, the core needs of every human being are o… Read more…

Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk

Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk

by Jean Wilund

Discover lasting peace and hope no matter what lies ahead. The prophet Habakkuk lived during a time when violence ruled the kingdom of Judah, yet he was able to choose joy, and so can you. In this eight-week Bible study, mark up the pages with notes and prayers, and learn the life-changing truths found in this powerful little book of the Old Testament. Wheth… Read more…

Freedom from My Fears: 40 Meditations on David's Psalms and Prayers

Freedom from My Fears: 40 Meditations on David's Psalms and Prayers

by Harold Myra

Often we celebrate King David as a “man after God’s own heart,” and he was that, but his spiritual successes sat side by side with anxiety, desperation, crushing sinfulness, and repentance. Harold Myra brings you alongside David to pray through the songs of David's heart. This journey reveals how you too can bring your difficulties and … Read more…

Honesty with God: Learning to Pray from the Psalms

Honesty with God: Learning to Pray from the Psalms

by Dan Schaeffer

The Psalms are refreshingly honest, and they give authentic examples of how to pray. In Honesty with God, you’ll discover the freedom to talk openly with God by uncovering the raw, real prayers of the psalmists who expressed every emotion of the heart—anxiety, anger, gratitude, delight. As you follow in their footsteps, you'll pray bold, powe… Read more…

Centering Jesus: How the Lamb of God Transforms Our Communities, Ethics, and Spiritual Lives

Centering Jesus: How the Lamb of God Transforms Our Communities, Ethics, and Spiritual Lives

by Derek Vreeland

What happens when Jesus becomes obscured from our point of view?With all the hostility boiling just under the surface of our world, we need a renewed vision of Jesus as the Lamb of God who can lead us in the peaceable ways of the Kingdom. When we fail to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we lean into the desires of our hearts more than the desires God h… Read more…

Sinners: Experiencing Jesus’ Compassion in the Middle of Your Sin, Struggles, and Shame

Sinners: Experiencing Jesus’ Compassion in the Middle of Your Sin, Struggles, and Shame

by Kat Armstrong

Discover the storyline of Scripture as you follow people, places, or things in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible Studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic sto… Read more…

Saints: Enjoying a Relationship with Jesus When You're Disillusioned with Religion

Saints: Enjoying a Relationship with Jesus When You're Disillusioned with Religion

by Kat Armstrong

Discover the storyline of Scripture as you follow people, places, or things in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible Studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic sto… Read more…

Reformed Worship

Reformed Worship

by Jonty Rhodes

Have you ever woken up on a Sunday morning and wondered if it was worth getting out of bed? Have you wondered why you should bother to attend corporate worship every week? Unfortunately, it can be easy to miss the excitement of corporate worship—but the excitement is there. Because God is all-sufficient, he commands worship for his glor… Read more…

(Number of titles: 223)