While most of us would look to Romans 1:16–17 for the theme of Paul’s letter to the Romans, this isn’t the first place he talks about the gospel in the letter. He actually tells us what the gospel is in the opening words of the letter. Let’s see how Paul…

Have you ever encountered a topic in the Bible that piqued your curiosity? If you’re like me, then that happens almost every time you read the Bible. Having an interest in learning more about a topic is not enough, though. We need to know how we can learn more about…

At one point or another, everyone needs encouragement. The reason for the encouragement varies. It could be weariness or trials or fear. In Timothy’s case, it probably included an element of fear. Timothy appeared to have suffered from a slight timidity, making him prone to shrink back from his leadership…

Peter’s response to Jesus’ question about his identity occurs in the middle of Mark’s Gospel. This confession serves as the first time a human arrives at the right conclusion about who Jesus is. However, things quickly unravel from there as Jesus proceeds to tell his disciples what must happen to…

What is the significance of Jesus’ first sign in the Gospel of John? After turning water into wine, John states that this “was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory” (John 2:11). Let’s dig into this sign that took place at a wedding in Cana with…