What does the Old Testament — specifically the book of Joshua — have to do with Jesus? Read this content pulled from the Bible Knowledge Commentary to find out.


The purpose of the Book of Joshua is to give an official account of the historical fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to the patriarchs to give Israel the land of Canaan by holy war. A “holy war” was a conflict with religious overtones rather than one with a political motivation of defense or expansion. This can be seen in both the opening charge (1:2-6) and the concluding summary (21:43).


Specifically, the conquest of Canaan under Joshua’s leadership was based on the Abrahamic Covenant. God, having dealt with all nations, made Abraham the center of His purposes and determined to reach the lost world through Abraham’s seed. The Lord made a contract or covenant with Abraham, promising unconditionally to give a land, a posterity, and spiritual blessing to the patriarch and his descendants (Gen. 12:2-3). Soon thereafter God said He was giving the land to Israel forever (cf. Gen. 13:15). The boundaries of the land were then given to Abraham (Gen. 15:18-21).


Later God affirmed that the rightful heirs to the Promised Land were Isaac and his descendants (Gen. 17:19-21). Thus the Book of Joshua records the fulfillment of the patriarchal promise as Israel appropriated the land pledged to her by her faithful God centuries before. That the nation was later dispossessed reflects not on the character of God but on the fickleness of a people who took divine blessings for granted, fell into the worship of their neighbors’ gods, and therefore came under the chastisement God had warned them about (cf. Deut. 28:15-68).

But Israel must possess the land forever according to the promise, something that awaits the return of Messiah and the redemption of Israel. According to the Prophet Isaiah, the Messiah will be a “second Joshua,” who will “restore the land and … reassign its desolate inheritances” (Isa. 49:8).


Paul taught that the events of the Exodus and Conquest are meaningful for Christians in that those events possess significance as types (cf. 1 Cor. 10:1-11). The Greek form of the name “Joshua” (“Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation”) is “Jesus.” As Joshua led Israel to victory over her enemies and into possession of the Promised Land, and as he interceded for the nation after it had sinned and been defeated, so does Jesus.

He brings the people of God into a promised rest (Heb. 4:8-9); intercedes for His own continually (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25); and enables them to defeat their enemies (Rom. 8:37; Heb. 2:14-15).


the Bible Knowledge Commentary Joshua

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  1. It is my hope that readers understand that regards to wars justifiable fought BY THE GRACE OF GOD were ONLY AN OLD TESTAMEMT situation, and that since our Messiahs arrival, JESUS CHRIST intended that everyone understand that we all must FAITHFULLY & LOVINGLY OBEY all the commandments and ordinances of our Lord and the biblical apostles as it relates to pacifism as the “NEW WAY TO SALVATION” ! 🙂 … confused: then please visit my blog http://truesalvationjesuschrist.wordpress.com to see why SALVATION and DAILY REGENERATION must be explained using MARK12:30,JN3:5/6:53,MATT.5:3-10/2TIM.2:19 !!!! ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT: FALLS SHORT … thank GOD for LUKE 10:21 🙂

    • Sounds great brother, we are called to love our enemies and to pray for them.
      We are also to be salt and light. We need to stand up and speak up for the cause of Christ.
      The battle is a spiritual one- won on our knees and making disciples. Jesus stood up and spoke the truth and we are His body, doing the work of the Father.
      God bless you my friend.

  2. Melvin Williams

    1 Cor 15:1-4, Col 2:13-14, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 3:19-28

  3. Joseph Young

    I am interested in this statement that was made: “According to the Prophet Isaiah, the Messiah will be a ‘second Joshua’…”

    I went to the scripture reference (Isa. 49:8) and didn’t see where Isaiah called him that. Could you please expound on that statement and what the scriptural basis for it is?

    • Cierra Loux

      It’s implied. 🙂 That’s what the commentary excerpt is pointing out. Joshua was tasked with restoring the land and giving out inheritances—but it still all fell through. The Lord says in Isaiah that he will come and he will fulfill this. Jesus came to fulfill (a long with many other things) what Joshua did not.

  4. The Paraclete


    I need to speak with you please. It is very important.