
Bible Reading Challenge


Week two is now in the books, and we’ve almost finished two entire books of the Bible (and not small ones either!). The readings this week covered most of the lives of the patriarchs and the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout this, we see God’s faithfulness and His…

Greetings all! You made it through the first full week of September. My family is now full swing in the routine of school and school-year activities. It’s busy, but it’s a good busy – full of opportunities for hard work, physical activities, and joyful fellowship. This is the first full…

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Greetings Olive Tree fans. I am not usually the one who writes our posts, but I wanted to start a weekly blog post going through a particular Bible reading plan: The Bible Reading Challenge. I invite you to join in the plan with me and read my recaps of the…

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