


Commentaries in the Olive Tree Bible App

Commentaries — there are endless possibilities! This archive contains posts on our most popular sets, giving you a look inside.

For example, in this list you’ll find posts for:

Did you know we also have free commentaries available on our website? You can add the Matthew Henry Concise to your Olive Tree library right now! Or, add the Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown.

If you want more information on a commentary not listed on our blog, reach out to our support team. Additionally, you can reach out them if there is a set you would like made available on Olive Tree. You can contact our support team at


Since there are hundreds of proverbs in the book we know as Proverbs, it can be helpful to condense or distill some of them down into a more manageable list. This can also help because often the proverbs are not arranged by topic. Instead, they are scattered throughout the book.…

How does Jesus challenge our fickle faith? One way he does this is by speaking hard truths. Jesus knew that some of his followers were only there for the benefits they received from following him. They were wowed by his miracles and diligently sought him only to get their “fill…

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Can you imagine grappling with God? Can you imagine wrestling with him, going toe-to-toe, mano a mano? We may use that language to express struggling with God, say in prayer. But Jacob physically wrestled with God. Let’s look at this strange encounter in Genesis 32 that occurs while Jacob is…

Who will go first? That’s probably a question that’s been asked countless times on the playground or in the backyard. While most of those occasions create a feeling of excitement or thrill, there are some that can cause a sense of trepidation or even dread. No one wants to be…

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Are you looking for a commentary series that engages “in the task of biblical interpretation and theological reflection from the perspective of the global church”? Then look no further than the New Covenant Commentary Series! We’ve recently released the New Covenant Commentary Series for our app and would like to…

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Jesus used vivid and memorable images to describe his followers. In his most famous sermon, he calls his followers the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” (Matt. 5:13, 14). In the Believer’s Bible Commentary, William MacDonald unpacks how those who original heard Jesus’ teaching understood these…

Matthew summarizes Jesus’ teaching with these words, “All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable” (Matt. 13:34). Rather than being easy-to-understand illustrations of his message, Jesus uses these parables to overturn people’s expectation and cut to the heart of…

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The book of Proverbs can be difficult to preach since it seems like a collection of unrelated sayings. That’s where a resource like Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old and New Testament can be a great aid. Instead of a detailed exposition of the entire book, Wiersbe groups some of…