
Study Bibles


Take a look inside our most popular study Bibles.

At the first sound of it, the practice of church discipline can catch people off guard. Discipline can give off some pretty negative vibes. Plus, when we hear of discipline in the context of the church, it doesn’t fit in with our concept of a loving community. That’s where we…

Everyone agrees that the Golden Rule is a good ethic to follow. Everyone agrees that it’s a principle they seek to live by. And yet, how often do we practice it? If we’re being honest, it doesn’t really seem that often! Rather, retaliation or manipulation seem to be the ethics…

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How should we understand the unfolding of God’s plan of redemption throughout human history? One of the ways some theologians answer this question with the system known as dispensationalism. A key and influential proponent of this system was C.I. Scofield. Let’s learn a little more about how Scofield articulates the…

The Chronological Study Bible is an excellent resource for reading about the birth of Jesus. Since it arranges all the biblical events in chronological order, you’ll read through John’s prologue first, then move back and forth between Luke’s and Matthew’s accounts. We want to give you a glimpse of what…

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Psalm 18 is an epic psalm of salvation. It is a deeply personal psalm as the psalmist praises the Lord for rescuing him from his enemies. Let’s learn more about this psalm with some help from the NLT Study Bible. This post contains three features from the NLT Study Bible:…

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The early church spread out from Jerusalem as a result of persecution. As if the persecution wasn’t difficult enough to handle, more difficulties ensued in the surrounding cities where they preached the gospel. Even though there was a fantastic response to the gospel in Samaria, one such difficulty ensued when…

Sometimes some practical instruction can go a long way in improving the quality of our relationships. No truer is this than in the closest relationships humans can have, the relationship of marriage. Let’s get some practical instructions from Peter’s exhortation to wives and husbands with some help from the Wiersbe…

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What do donkeys, silver, a struck shepherd, and crucifixion have in common? That’s right! They’re all associated with events during the last week of Jesus’ life. They’re related to Jesus’ triumphal entry, betrayal, arrest and abandonment, and crucifixion. But did you know these events were all messianic prophecies from Zechariah?…

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One of the neglected doctrines of modern Christology is the exaltation of Christ. While many of our churches likely give due attention to the death and resurrection of Christ, we often fail to see the connection between Christ’s death, resurrection, and exaltation (or ascension). The reality is that the exaltation…