
Study Bibles


Take a look inside our most popular study Bibles.

There are many lessons for us to learn as we travel the road of life. Many of these will be learned from our own experience, but thankfully God has given us his word to provide instruction. Here are a handful of lessons from the book of Job with some help…

Matthew’s gospel begins with a genealogy showing that Jesus Christ is the “Son of David, the Son of Abraham” (Matt. 1:1). Matthew intends to show how Jesus fulfills the promises of God. And the first of these promises are tied to the virgin birth, the naming of Jesus and his…

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Here’s a guest post from author and pastor Michael Beaumont on the Christian Basics Bible. Keep reading to learn more about this excellent resource new to Olive Tree. WHY A ‘CHRISTIAN BASICS BIBLE’? For three simple reasons. First, there are more and more people coming to faith in Christ in…

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One of the first passages of the Bible I memorized after becoming a Christian at the age of nineteen was Romans 6. I was involved in a Bible Study and wanted to commit this passage to memory because it depicts the new life I now had in Christ in radical…

When God called Abram from Ur of the Chaldees, he gave him a number of promises (see Gen. 12:1–3; 13:14–17). God promised to make Abram into a great nation and to give him the land of Canaan. These promises introduce tension into the story. How would Abram become a great…

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How would you illustrate the difference between the self-righteous and those who know they are unrighteous? What mannerisms or postures would you use to depict them? Would their words give them away or only their actions? Jesus did just this during his earthly ministry. With some help from the ESV…

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Psalm 16 begins with a superscription that says “a miktam of David.” What’s that, you ask? Well, according to the ESV Archaeology Study Bible, a miktam possibly suggests “something carved into stone and thus indelible . . . a written testimony of the petitioner placed on display in the temple…

We all know there are people God brings into our lives we would rather not help. There may even be occasions when helping them means taking risks. Risks that may seem pretty dangerous to us at times. One such occasion occurred in the early church when God called Ananias to…

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Ever since the first untrue words were uttered in the garden by the serpent and his lies infiltrated that sacred space, the need to believe the truth became essential. This is all the more true since sin has affected our natural disposition. We are inclined to “suppress the truth” (Rom.…

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Have you ever wondered why God gave us five senses? Or have you ever wondered what life would be like without one of your senses? Which sense would you choose to live without if you had to choose one of them? Thankfully, we don’t have to make that choice when…