
Study Bibles


Take a look inside our most popular study Bibles.

Recently I faced an important decision. I had to decide between reading the Chronicles of Narnia to my children in chronological order or in the published order. Though this may not seem like a big deal, just ask a fan of the books what their opinion is and I’m sure…

Would you consider yourself naturally drawn to structure and order in your personal life, career, family, or church? Or would you think of yourself as more attracted to a life that doesn’t seem so formalized and rigid? I think we all have preferences one way or the other. These depend…

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The gospel is the best news in the world. The message of Jesus Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil is what every person needs to hear. Jesus is King and that is tremendous news for those who have “kissed the Son” (Ps. 2:12) and all are beckoned to…

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Quick—what is more precious than jewels and more profitable than gold? That’s right, wisdom (Prov. 3:14-15; 8:11, 18-19)! Through the centuries, many Christians have turned to the book of Proverbs for wisdom. That is, essentially, what the book is about. Written at the highpoint of Israel’s history with the gift…

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It is an extraordinary claim. As Jesus stood trial before the most powerful person in Judea, the Caesar-appointed procurator Pontius Pilate, he states his reason for coming into this world. “I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth. Everyone…

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We’ve all gotten to those places in our reading and studying of Scripture where we come across an ancient genealogy and suddenly lose all our momentum. We find the notion of someone else’s family tree to be completely irrelevant to our own lives in the 21st century and often succumb…

Bible commentaries and study notes are great tools for understanding what the Bible has to say to us today. Often overlooked, however, is the value that using Scripture to understand Scripture can bring. God’s inspired word is a complex tapestry of themes all woven together, and the development of those…

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Life Connections Study Bible

Have you ever heard of the Serendipity Study Bible? Over 40 years of planning and writing led to the creation of that study Bible, complete with thousands of questions for small groups and personal study. Now revised and updated, you can get the Serendipity Study Bible under a new name:…

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If you’re looking for a study Bible that contains plenty of visuals—this is for you. The CSB Baker Illustrated Study Bible comes with so much more than notes. Before we look inside this study Bible, let’s hear from the editors. They have the best insight as to what sets this…