Here are 3 things you need to know about the Mac update:

  1. You’ll need to log back into your Olive Tree account which is now found here:

2. My Stuff is now located right below Account Details for easier access!

3. If you don’t see the update right away you can download it HERE.

Don’t forget we have a full Help Center Here.


  1. I just received your email about the Mac update yet the App Store says it isn’t compatible with my new MacBook Air M3 with OSX 15.

    Let me know if a further update is coming which will be compatible.



    • My comments above reflected the update message I received after following through on the link in the received email. Fortunately, once a followed the link on your web page to the Mac App,, then I was able to receive the latest version.
      Thanks again,

      • Brad Hoffman Reply

        Hi Paul! Thanks for reaching out so quickly. Yes, we had to update the link from the original email. We’re glad you were able to navigate to the Mac Store and get the correct update! Blessings to you!

    • Brad Hoffman Reply

      Hi Eric. Thanks for the question. This update is only for Mac so you won’t need it for your iPhone. Blessings to you!

    • Brad Hoffman Reply

      Hi Thomas. No, this update is only for Mac computers. Sorry for any confusion!

  2. Thomas Demers Reply

    When will Olive Tree make it so that copying single verses doesn’t give the verse number twice, but does give the verse number when copying multiple verses? Also, it appears this new version makes some actions require more steps… copy is more complex than it was on the Mac desktop 🙁

  3. I updated to the new version and logged in as shown in the update…. My esv study bible does not sync anymore with the scripture I am reading in my ESV bible, I have to fish for the corresponding study notes . MacBook Pro Apple M2, Mac OS sequoia15.0.1 .

  4. Infelizmente após a última atualização estou encontrando algumas dificuldades.
    Para copiar um texto está difícil para marcar o texto que desejo copiar, além de anteriormente copiava e colava com o endereço do livro, capítulo e versículos. Agora já não é mais possível. Além de minhas notas limitarem minhas ações quanto a cor da letra e iniciar um novo parágrafo com letra maiúscula automaticamente.

  5. Okay, overall the MAC OS update is nice.

    Y’all removed “open this book in new window” from the main window screen, and the ability to “group floating windows into one window”.

    These were indeed two of my very favorite features. Any chance will be seeing those again in a future update?
    Or can I possibly use an older version instead of the new update.

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