If you’ve ever taken the time to study the book of Daniel, maybe you’ve had difficulty in interpreting issues of authorship and prophecy. Conversely, perhaps your assumptions are based on what others have told you about the text. John E. Goldingay included his thoughts on some misguided convictions about Daniel…

Avalanche of Sin

There is an avalanche of sin in Genesis. It includes pride, murder, sexual immorality to name a few. But what is the significance of these stories? Read this excerpt by Gordon J. Wenham. We found it in the Word Biblical Commentary. THE IMPORTANCE OF GENESIS The ancient [Near Eastern] background…

Pauls Cutting Remarks

Richard N. Longenecker walks through Galatians and Paul’s “cutting” remarks. You’ll find that Galatians is more applicable than you know. Check out this excerpt from the Word Biblical Commentary below. Paul’s “Cutting” Remarks you were running well. Who cut in on you to be keeping you from obeying the truth?”…

Psalm 56, written by David, is a call for God’s protection. Read this Psalm and learn more about the meaning behind the Hebrew words from the CSB Study Bible. Be gracious to me, God, for a man is trampling me;he fights and oppresses me all day long.My adversaries trample me…

law vs faith

The Law vs Faith — one of the main conflicts Paul seeks to resolve in his letter to the Romans. Dig deeper into Romans 3:27-31 with Marvin C. Pate and this remarkable excerpt from his contribution to the Teach the Text Commentary Series. Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded.…

Obedience and holiness

This excerpt from the IVP New Testament Commentary covers the themes of obedience and holiness in 1 Peter. Before digging into the commentary, check out this passage of Scripture: As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he…

A Bible handbook gives a clearly written overview of the Bible. So, it is a perfect companion to Bible reading. It’s arranged in the order of the books of the Bible. Also, it provides background before you read through a Bible book, commentary and illustrations as you read, and topical…

Longenecker's NIGTC volume

The Epistle to the Romans (NIGTC) by Richard Longenecker is truly the work of a lifetime. This volume was in the works for several decades; the introductory material alone was enough to fill a 500-page book (Introducing Romans, 2011). Now the commentary is here, and it’s sure to be a standard…

Running the wrong way

A German proverb says, “What is the use of running when we are not on the right road?” No matter how much effort we expend in travel, our efforts are wasted if we’re not heading in the right direction. RUNNING AWAY FROM GOD This proverb illustrates a profound Biblical truth—working…