Have you ever wished that the Bible spoke directly about controversial issues we face today? The NKJV Unapologetic Study Bible hopes to bridge the gap between God’s instruction and today’s questions. But how? ANSWERS FOR TODAY The goal of this Bible is to inspire believers to Christlike thought, belief, speech,…

Word Biblical Commentary

With 61 volumes and 26,000+ pages of content, the Word Biblical Commentary is a hefty commentary series. There is so much content! So, how do you navigate it all? With the Olive Tree Bible App, you can easily read and study the WBC anywhere. Here are 5 benefits of using the WBC in…

Matthew 1:1

“The book of the story of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” — Matthew 1:1 Within the first verse of Matthew, there are FIVE hints to Jesus being the Messiah. Leon Morris wrote the Pillar New Testament Commentary’s Matthew Volume, and he did a great job…

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) is the best known set of cross-references. This widely used collection of 500,000 Scripture references can help you make innumerable connections across the Bible. But unlike print versions, which contains lists of related Bible verses, the TSK is interactive in the Olive Tree Bible App. It will…

Gospel Harmony

The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) cover the events during Jesus’ life. Each have a unique perspective and storyline. Yet, they do share many of the same accounts and their unique stories fit into a cohesive chronological order. However, it is incredibly difficult to keep all these differences…

ABOUT H.A. IRONSIDE Henry Allen “Harry” Ironside was a Canadian-American Bible teacher, preacher, theologian, pastor, and author who pastored Moody Church in Chicago from 1929 to 1948. He also belong to the Plymouth Brethren, But Ironside didn’t wait until he was a pastor to preach. When he was 11 years…

This blog post is an excerpt of C.A. Coates Commentary and Articles. It is the privilege of every believer to be consciously in the favour of God. It is a privilege to be in the unclouded light and joy of Acceptance. But, alas! many who are truly converted are not…

Jesus tells us that we will be hated as he was hated—but not all of us will actually experience severe persecution. Instead, many of us are blessed to worship God where, when, and how we want. The first Christians did not have this luxury, and they clung to Jesus’ promises…

Spurgeon Study Bible

“Spurgeon had a phenomenal grasp of theology, and his reading had afforded him a breadth of insight matched by few, but when it came to opening up the Scriptures, he was a master of clarity and simplicity. He warned his students about going down among miners with technical theological terms…