Who is Thomas Cranmer? We know! Mostly because we found some great biographies in our store. We’ve broken up the bits to give you a short summary of a man with a long list of accomplishments. NAME: Thomas Cranmer BIRTH: July 2, 1489 DEATH: March 21, 1556, age 66 HOMETOWN:…

The book of Psalms has a special place in the hearts of many of God’s people—not as though it were more holy or more inspired than other books; it’s not. But for many believers, the Psalms express their emotions to God in a profound, God-honoring way. That’s why we’ve decided to…

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all peopleTitus 2:11 SOLA GRATIA – GRACE ALONE Three of the five solas are so intertwined that it’s hard to distinguish their nuances. The Reformers believed that salvation is through faith alone, by grace alone, in Christ alone. These three…

The Bible is not a totally unique book. In general, its literary forms function in the same way they do beyond the Bible. A story is a story, whether in the Bible or beyond it. A metaphor is a metaphor. In fact, other non-biblical sources aid our understanding of the…

Bible as literature

APPROACHING THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE There’s no doubt you’ve realized that the Bible is a book, but have you ever thought about it as literature? If you took a literature class is high school or college, you may remember that there’s a lot more to studying books than simply reading…

Christ Centered Sermons

There are SO many Biblical resources out there—but how do you know which ones will be helpful to you? Especially if you’re a pastor, you don’t have a lot of time or money to waste! The Christ-Centered Exposition Series makes its purpose clear just from the title. This commentary series…

Lenski Thoughts on Meekness

Have you ever heard of Lenski’s Commentary on the New Testament? R.H.C. Lenski was a German-born American and conservative Lutheran. He lived from 1864 to 1936 and loved to write. For our blog today, I’ve pulled out Lenski’s commentary on Matthew 5:5: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit…

John Calvin

John Calvin is a big name in Reformation history! Brush up on your knowledge of him with this tiny biography. NAME: John Calvin BIRTH: July 10, 1509 DEATH: May 27, 1564 HOMETOWN: Noyon, France, 67 miles northeast of Paris VOCATION: Scholar, Theologian, Preacher FAMILY: Wife Idelette de Bure, 3 children,…