Read through this easy but thoughtful SOAP study on Matthew 13, the parable of the sower. If you don’t know what SOAP is, we’ll teach you. SOAP STUDY ON MATTHEW 13: SCRIPTURE “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the…

Lord's Prayer

Most of us probably know the Lord’s prayer by heart. It’s okay if you don’t, though. Because honestly, even if you have it memorized, it doesn’t mean you understand it! Walk through this quick unpacking of the most famous prayer in the Bible — the one Jesus teaches us to…

understanding the Bible commentary

The Understanding The Bible Commentary Series is a 36-volume commentary. It spans the entire Old Testament and New Testament. Each volume in the series breaks down the barriers between the ancient and modern worlds. So, the power and meaning of the biblical texts become transparent to contemporary readers. They present…

Here is a short, little study on authentic faith, pulled from the Apply the Word Study Bible Notes. First, A Little Scripture Reading “Now the chief priests and all the council sought testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, but found none. For many bore false witness against Him,…

prayer journaling

When you think of our app, you probably think “Bible study”. At least, that’s what we’re going for! But there are so many creative ways you can use our app, and prayer journaling is one of those ways. In this post, we’ll first teach you about prayer journaling. Then we’ll…

This past fall, Apple announced an overhaul of their MacBook Pro line of laptop computers. The overhaul included the usual faster-thinner-lighter mantra that we have all grown accustomed to with new hardware upgrades. They even dumped the glowing Apple logo on the back of the clam-shell lid. Instead, it now…

The Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) provides a crucial link between the contemporary church and the historical church. The biblical insights of the Reformed tradition are made available as a powerful tool. Like never before, believers join a genuine tradition of renewal as they faithfully approach the Scriptures. What is…

When I was a sophomore in college, I studied abroad in the British Isles for three months in a group led by four professors. We spent most of our time in cities: London to York to Edinburgh to Glasgow to Manchester to London again. Occasionally the subjects we studied—Wordsworth and…

reactions to resurrection

Can you imagine being there when Jesus appeared, resurrected? You may have an idea, but you can never know for sure how you would really respond. I doubt, if asked, those who were there would never have guessed their reaction to the resurrection! But we do have their reactions recorded,…