Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture. The Jesus Bible, NIV Edition lifts Jesus up as the lead story of the Bible. There are so many exclusive articles from Louie Giglio, Max Lucado, John Piper, and Randy Alcorn in this Bible! This profound and easy-to-use Bible can help you…

We spoke, and we listened! Many of you asked for the ability to make wish lists on our website. Now you can! If you are logged in with your Olive Tree account, head on over to a product page. Then, look in the left side-bar. You see a button that…

If you would have said the word ‘Advent’ to me when I was a kid, my first thought would have been some sort of calendar. Specially, the one with doors and candy, and found in my friends’ homes. Advent – in any form – was not a part of my…

Olive Tree Bible Topic Threads

If you’ve ever wanted to trace a specific theme or word in the Bible to see how it connects through Scripture, then the Olive Tree Bible Topic Threads is a must-have resource for your Bible study library. It contains 2,700 topics and 31,000 links. Bible commentaries and study notes are great…

Bible Handbooks are great resources that help you go deeper in your Bible study. In this post, we’ll look at the Hayford Bible Handbook and all the tools it comes with. It’s a fantastic addition to any Bible study collection. It is best to use the handbook in the Resource…

The NKJV Word Study Bible (and KJV version!) is a fantastic resource for your personal Bible study. It includes the NKJV or KJV Bible text with Strong’s tagging, translators’ notes, book introductions, word studies, indexes and a concordance. In this blog we’ll show you how this great resource works when used…

SOAP Wayne Cordeiro

Looking for an easy, simple, and effective method for Bible study? The SOAP method has been around for ages… because of how reliable it is! Here’s what it’s all about, with a lesson from Pastor Wayne Cordeiro. SOAP STANDS FOR: ScriptureObservationApplicationPrayer We love the LifeConnect Study Bible because it is…

As a teacher of the Inductive Bible Study Method I am often asked, “What is Inductive Bible Study?”. Unfortunately, there is really no short answer to that question.  Inductive Bible Study is more of an approach to the Bible than it is any particular technique. In fact the “Inductive Method”…