
BE Series Commentary by Wiersbe


After the stoning of Stephen at the end of the Acts 7, the church in Jerusalem faced fierce persecution and fled throughout the surrounding regions. While the opponents of the church were seeking to destroy it, their intense persecution actually helped spread the word. Those who fled Jerusalem did not…

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Fellowship Produces Joy

The word fellowship seems to mean many things to many different people. Perhaps, like a worn coin, it may be losing its true impression. If so, we had better take some steps to rescue it. After all, a good Bible word like fellowship needs to stay in circulation as long…

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When Christians disagree

Christians disagree… a lot. And when Christians disagree, it can be very confusing and frustrating for believers and non-believers alike. How can the Church stay united and Christians continue to be known for their love while also disagreeing? Read this excerpt from the Wiersbe BE Series Commentary on Romans. WHEN…

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the satisfied life

Life can be difficult and dangerous, but in the Psalms we see God’s faithfulness to us through the difficult and dangerous times. This excerpt, taken directly from the BE Series Commentary by Wiersbe, walks us through Psalm 91. Even when life is dangerous, in God we can have a hidden,…

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This set brings the 50 volume Old Testament and New Testament BE Series Commentaries together with all the life-changing truth of the Scriptures combined with the personal wisdom of one of America’s best-known Bible teachers, Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe. Wiersbe was a pastor at Moody Church in Chicago and served for ten years…

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