
NLT Study Bible


There’s a clear difference between believers and unbelievers, a difference that is as stark as that between black and white, light and darkness. The source of this difference is God himself, since he is light and there is no darkness in him at all. John tells us that this difference…

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Psalm 18 is an epic psalm of salvation. It is a deeply personal psalm as the psalmist praises the Lord for rescuing him from his enemies. Let’s learn more about this psalm with some help from the NLT Study Bible. This post contains three features from the NLT Study Bible:…

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It’s amazing to me how often feasting shows up in the Gospels. The many occasions of Jesus feasting with his disciples, sinners, or religious leaders form the backdrop and the substance of many of his teachings. And feasting even provided ammunition for his enemies! Remember that Jesus told the religious…

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The gospel is the best news in the world. The message of Jesus Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil is what every person needs to hear. Jesus is King and that is tremendous news for those who have “kissed the Son” (Ps. 2:12) and all are beckoned to…

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confidence in God

“Confidence in God” is an article from the NLT Study Bible. It is a fantastic resource for anyone in the earlier stages of Bible study. God gave Nehemiah favor in the eyes of a mighty Persian king so that the king responded favorably to all of Nehemiah’s requests (1:11; 2:8,…

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