
Reformation Heroes


Have you ever heard of Menno Simmons? Now is your chance to learn a little bit about this Reformation hero. Check out the tiny biography below. NAME: Menno Simmons BIRTH: 1496, date unknown DEATH: January 31, 1561 HOMETOWN: Witmarsum, Friesland, modern-day Netherlands VOCATION: Catholic priest, Anabaptist pastor and author FAMILY:…

Thomas Cramner

Who is Thomas Cranmer? We know! Mostly because we found some great biographies in our store. We’ve broken up the bits to give you a short summary of a man with a long list of accomplishments. NAME: Thomas Cranmer BIRTH: July 2, 1489 DEATH: March 21, 1556, age 66 HOMETOWN:…

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John Calvin

John Calvin is a big name in Reformation history! Brush up on your knowledge of him with this tiny biography. NAME: John Calvin BIRTH: July 10, 1509 DEATH: May 27, 1564 HOMETOWN: Noyon, France, 67 miles northeast of Paris VOCATION: Scholar, Theologian, Preacher FAMILY: Wife Idelette de Bure, 3 children,…

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Who exactly was the man behind the 95 theses? Start here to get a tiny biography on Martin Luther, the man who made a huge impact. NAME: Martin Luther BIRTH: November 10, 1483 DEATH: February 18, 1546 HOMETOWN: Eisleben, Germany, 130 miles southwest of Berlin VOCATION: Augustinian monk, priest, professor…

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