I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud: and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh: the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
—Genesis 9:13–16
The faint rainbow that appears after a summer thunderstorm symbolizes God’s mercy, His compassion on all. Moreover, it is a sign of God’s covenant, His binding agreement with all humanity to never destroy the earth with a flood.
God initiated this covenant under the worst circumstances: “The earth was filled with violence” (6:11, 13). Even though humanity’s decline into evil greatly troubled God, He favored one man, Noah. He determined to save Noah and his family from His coming judgment and establish His covenant with them.
Although Noah was surrounded by violence and all kinds of evil, Noah walked with God (6:9) by seeking to obey Him. Noah’s simple obedience is recorded five times in this story (6:22; 7:5, 9, 16; 8:17–18). God called this obedient man to build an ark. With this large boat, God saved Noah from the cleansing waters of the Flood. With the past evils and sins washed away from the earth, Noah and his family could start anew (see 1 Pet. 3:21 for Peter’s analogy comparing baptism with the Flood).
God not only gave them a fresh start; He also gave them an unconditional promise or covenant. He promised not to destroy the earth with a flood no matter how evil Noah’s descendants got. Indeed, He promised that until the end of the earth, there would be the seasons of planting and harvest and day and night. God unilaterally promised to uphold the rhythms of the earth in order to sustain human life—even though humans had rebelled against Him, their Creator.
Today all of us—Noah’s children—should remember God’s mercy to us when we see the beauty of the rainbow.
What are God’s promises telling you today?

Excerpted from the NKJV Study Bible in Full Color. Learn more about this title in our store by visiting our website.
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The email I receive really encourages me and my family a lot,am looking forward about the Tower of Babel.God bless you all.
I never knew the story behind the rainbow. I will certainly look at rainbows in a completely new appreciation after having read this story. Thank you Father for ALL your beautiful creations!
Every time I see a rainbow I think of God’s promise not to destroy the earth with water again. It’s a great reminder and I love rainbows. Thanks for the great reading today.
Beautiful revelation of the word of God!!
It’s sad that the promise of the rainbow has been captured and debased from its original meaning.
The “LGBT Pride Flag” is not actually a rainbow (and nor is this “rainbow
icon” neither).
The real rainbow as made by God has 7 colours, which are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. The LGBT Pride Flag has only 6 colours. That was to enable the designer of it to patent the design and make money from sales of it.
The “LGBT Pride Flag” is not actually a rainbow (and nor is this “rainbow icon” neither).
The real rainbow as made by God has 7 colours, which are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.
The LGBT Pride Flag has only 6 colours. That was to enable the designer of it to patent the design and make money from sales of it.
Intellectual Property law does not allow anyone to patent a naturally occurring phenomenon.