Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary is a great resource for those who want to do word studies. Especially if you don’t have any background with Greek or Hebrew!  Here’s how I used it in a recent sermon.


I read this verse in Genesis 39:2:

“And Jehovah was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.”

This passage got me thinking about the word “prosperous”. So, I let my curiosity run the show. I opened the Study Center in the split window and typed in “prosper”.

This brought up Vine’s under the search menu for tsaleach צָלַח, along with an article about the word.


The article shows some of the different occurrences of tsaleach in the Bible. All I have to do is tap the reference and the biblical passage appears in a pop-up window. This gives me instant access to other places the word is used in the Bible and helps me keep my Bible Study on track by not having to stop in the middle of my study to find the reference.

Another great thing about this resource is that Vine’s gives the Strong’s number (h6743 in this case) and is tied into the Olive Tree Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary that is included in this resource.  

This allows me to tap on the Strong’s number and see the definition of the word along with the original language and transliterated form.


Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary

As you can see, Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words is a fantastic, easy-to-use resource that gives anyone access to the original languages. 

With over 6,000 key biblical words that have reference to Strong’s numbers, there is no end to how it can help you understand the Bible and keep your study on track. Get it today!


  1. This “dictionary” does not contain the phonetic spelling that would help people learning about the Scriptures to be able to speak confidently in a group.

    • Thanks R W. I was considering this dictionary, but lacking phonetic pronunciation is a show-stopper.

  2. Alex McKay

    Does this Vine’s app. Include the Olive Tree Enhanced Strong’s numbers Dictionary too?
    The Vine’s Dictionary is now on my wishlist & providing I can find an Atlas yet to be offered, that will be on my wishlist too.
    Thanks, Alex.

  3. Gregory Skannal

    Hello Olivetree. Does Olivetree provide a basic standard dictionary for common words like “proclaim”, “synagogue”, “persuade”, “uproar”? Something like a Webster’s Dictionary would be great to add to my Resource Guide. Sometimes I wanna look up common words that don’t need to be theologically explained and/or cross referenced. A Webster’s 1828 Dictionary would be absolutely sweet. Thank you.

    • Cierra Klatt

      Hey, Gregory! Are you using our app on an iOS device? If so, you can highlight a word, select “define”, and then a dictionary definition should appear! Let me know if this works for you.