Resources by Kay Arthur - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Kay Arthur

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Redeeming the Feminine Soul: God’s Surprising Vision for Womanhood

Redeeming the Feminine Soul: God’s Surprising Vision for Womanhood

by Kay Arthur and Julie Roys

Popular national radio host Julie Roys rejects both fundamentalist caricature and feminist distortion to reveal God’s amazingly relevant and compelling vision for women, showing them how to redeem their feminine souls and become all God designed them to be.Christian women today feel torn between the demands of motherhood, career, and ministry—and… Read more…

Our Covenant God: Learning to Trust Him

Our Covenant God: Learning to Trust Him

by Kay Arthur

Narrated by Arthur, Kay

SOMEONE LOVES YOU. UNCONDITIONALLY. UNSHAKABLE, UNFAILINGLY. That Someone is God Himself. But how can that be possible? Why would God love you so? Because He has fashioned an unbreakable covenant between Himself and you. And He always keeps His promises. “Everything God does,” says Kay Arthur, “is based on His covenant.” And when you … Read more…

Sex According to God: The Creator's Plan for His Beloved

Sex According to God: The Creator's Plan for His Beloved

by Kay Arthur

Narrated by Arthur, Kay

My friend, we live in a culture saturated with sex. Everywhere you turn it’s there–discussed, debated, demonstrated, and used to sell anything and everything from cars to shampoo. And the world’s message is loud and clear: You have to be desirable, attractive, and sexy in order to be loved.But I know far too many people who have been burned… Read more…

As Silver Refined: Answers to Life's Disappointments

As Silver Refined: Answers to Life's Disappointments

by Kay Arthur

Narrated by Arthur, Kay

What Can You Do When Life Doesn’t Turn Out Like You Planned? How do you respond when your husband or wife tramples your emotions?  When your boss fires you unexpectedly?  When you lose your life’s savings?  When the child you’ve loved and prayed for turns his back on you and your values?   When disappointm… Read more…

No Place To Cry: The Hurt and Healing of Sexual Abuse

No Place To Cry: The Hurt and Healing of Sexual Abuse

by Kay Arthur, Erwin W. Lutzer, Dorie N. Van Stone and Dorie Van Stone

Just as God gave Dorie Van Stone a tender heart to forgive her abusers, He also gave her the strength to reveal her past in No Place to Cry, the sequel to the best-seller Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved. Through her candor you will gain insight into the trauma of emotional and sexual abuse.… Read more…

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