Resources by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Jesus You're All I Need ziparound devotional

Jesus You're All I Need ziparound devotional

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Jesus is our source for everything. When we rely on him alone, our satisfaction in life increases and anxiety begins to subside. Comparisons cease. Unnecessary pursuits pause. And we begin to notice the little things. The things that matter. Life. Breath. Kindness. Stillness. Beauty. This is where we find deep connection with our loving Savior.As you quiet y… Read more…

365 Days of Faith

365 Days of Faith

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Faith is actively choosing to believe in something or someone. Living by faith is not circumstantial, and it is not produced by accident. In a world where people live their own truths, it can be hard to discern what living out your faith in God really looks like. Although some may tolerate your faith, many believe there is not one right way, but no one can a… Read more…

A Little God Time for Men: 365 Daily Devotions

A Little God Time for Men: 365 Daily Devotions

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

We have the incredibly important role of leading younger generations through turbulent waters, modeling integrity in relationships, and providing foundations for wise decision-making. There are times we might feel like we've got things all figured out, and other times we feel unworthy of our great responsibilities.A Little God Time for Men is designed to… Read more…

365 Daily Prayers and Declarations for Men

365 Daily Prayers and Declarations for Men

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

“The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.” Matthew 24:35 TPT   This is one of the many promises God has spoken over you. His promises are for every situation and for all time. They reflect his character and confirm his purpose for your life.   This book of … Read more…

Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength

Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

We all experience difficult seasons in life that sap us of our energy. Loss, pain, anxiety, sickness, or frustration can lead to discouragement and sometimes a feeling of exhaustion.Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength is a topically organized collection that guides you through themes of assurance, inspiration, endurance, rest, purpose, and more. Encouragin… Read more…

Prayers & Promises for Parents

Prayers & Promises for Parents

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

From the moment they are born, our children hold a prominent place in our hearts. We begin to worry about their wellbeing even before they draw their first breath. It can become overwhelming if we let it. What can we do? Pray and claim God’s promises over their lives!Prayers & Promises for Parents is a topically organized collection that guides you thr… Read more…

365 Days of Gratitude: Daily Devotions for a Thankful Heart

365 Days of Gratitude: Daily Devotions for a Thankful Heart

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

We can walk in gratitude every day when we rely on God to be our source. When we focus on things we are grateful for, our satisfaction in life increases. Comparisons cease. Unnecessary pursuits pause. And we begin to notice the little things. The things that matter. Life. Breath. Generosity. Beauty. Grace. This is where we find deep connection with God. … Read more…

Jesus First: 365 Devotions to Start Your Day

Jesus First: 365 Devotions to Start Your Day

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

When do you find time to connect with God? Even if we try to be intentional about it, everyday activities and responsibilities often find a way to take priority over our time with Jesus. Prayer can happen at any time, and of course it does, but there is value in setting aside a specific time to communicate with the Lord. The notion of getting alone with God… Read more…

Fuerzas para cada día para la mujer: Un Devocionario de 365 dias

Fuerzas para cada día para la mujer: Un Devocionario de 365 dias

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Tú puedes caminar con confianza cuando te apoyas en Dios como tu fortaleza. Anímate con la verdad al pasar tiempo con Dios, reflexionando sobre estas lecturas devocionales, escrituras y oraciones. A medida que pases tiempo con Él, te llenarás de paz y esperanza para enfrentar tu día.   Deja que tu Padre celestial te muestre … Read more…

Forteleza hoy para hombres: 365 Devociones

Forteleza hoy para hombres: 365 Devociones

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

El tiempo que pasas en la presencia de Dios te da fuerzas, cambia tu carácter y transforma tu liderazgo. Como hombre de Dios, tienes la oportunidad de guiar a las generaciones más jóvenes a través de aguas turbulentas, modelar la integridad en las relaciones y proporcionar las bases para la toma de decisiones sabias. Fortaleza hoy para hombre… Read more…

A Daily Word for Women: A 365-Day Devotional

A Daily Word for Women: A 365-Day Devotional

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Our daily routines sometimes condition us into comfortable living. We settle for repeated rhythms and expect our lives to change. Day after day, month after month, year after year, we find happiness in things that satisfy only our immediate needs and desires. Our hearts long for more, but we settle for less. Time spent in God’s presence empowers you to… Read more…

365 Days of Kindness for Kids

365 Days of Kindness for Kids

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

It’s not always easy to be nice to people especially when they are unkind to you, but God tells us to love everyone—even our enemies! You can be kind every day if you ask God to help you. When you spend time with him, you start to understand how much he loves you and that helps you love others better. The devotions and Bible verses in this book w… Read more…

(Number of titles: 116)