Resources by Max Lucado - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Max Lucado

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Jesus Study Guide

Jesus Study Guide

by Max Lucado

You believe Jesus is God. But do you also think of him as a real person?For thirty-three years Jesus felt everything that we have ever felt: weakness, weariness, rejections. His feelings got hurt. His feet grew tired. His head ached.To think of Jesus in such terms almost seems irreverent. It is much easier to keep the humanity out of the incarnation. Clean u… Read more…

Jesus: The God Who Knows Your Name

Jesus: The God Who Knows Your Name

by Max Lucado

Do you ever feel like Jesus couldn’t possibly know what you are going through? He’s the God of the universe after all! Does he really know your daily struggles? The good news is: he does.For thirty-three years Jesus felt everything you have ever felt: weakness, weariness, sadness, rejection. His feet got tired and his head ached. He was tempted a… Read more…

God's Messages for Little Ones (31 Devotions): The Story of God's Enormous Love

God's Messages for Little Ones (31 Devotions): The Story of God's Enormous Love

by Max Lucado, Randy Frazee and Karen Davis Hill

Narrated by Brian Kennedy

You are never too young to talk with God!This 31-day devotional, using the words of Max Lucado, Randy Frazee, and Karen Hill in The Story for Children, guides young children to the knowledge that they are a special and important part of God’s story of love for the world.… Read more…

You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times

You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times

by Max Lucado

Narrated by Ben Holland

We all fear that the depression will never lift, the disappointment will never stop, the pain will never leave. Here in the pits, surrounded by steep walls, we wonder if our gray skies will ever brighten. Though these unprecedented and challenging times may bring a load of uncertainty and fear that feels too heavy to bear, God gives us this promise: You'… Read more…

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Second Chances: More Stories of Grace

Second Chances: More Stories of Grace

by Max Lucado

Narrated by Ben Holland

We humans are prone to failure. We’re experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn’t looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? Who hasn’t fallen so far, messed up so badly that she thought there was no hope? And it’s at these low points that we crave reminders that there’s hop… Read more…

God Will Use This for Good: Surviving the Mess of Life

God Will Use This for Good: Surviving the Mess of Life

by Max Lucado

Narrated by Ben Holland

Does it ever feel like life is out of control? Could you use the reminder that God is in control? When tragedy strikes, people desperately search for answers. Believers and unbelievers alike find themselves turning to God. Bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado tells us that though it may not be quick or painless, God will use this mess for good.In th… Read more…

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Lucado Inspirational Reader: Hope and Encouragement for Your Everyday Life

Lucado Inspirational Reader: Hope and Encouragement for Your Everyday Life

by Max Lucado

Narrated by Wayne Shepherd

Comfort and the cross.Faith and forgiveness.Salvation and spiritual refreshment.For more than twenty-five years you've trusted Max Lucado to walk with you as you ponder these essential truths. This collection of his very best illustrations, stories, and one-liners guides you through his signature themes and life's most important matters.Spend a few m… Read more…

Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You

Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You

by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado Bishop

Narrated by Jenna Lucado

Not feeling very beautiful? Learn what beauty is from God's perspective.Revolve speaker Jenna Lucado has teamed up with her dad, Max Lucado, to bring girls a fresh perspective on what they need to live a life of peace, joy, and confidence. What does God see when He looks at them? And how does a girl catch that vision? Jenna reveals life accessories that … Read more…

You Were Made to Make a Difference

You Were Made to Make a Difference

by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado Bishop

Narrated by Jenna Lucado Bishop

Want to change the world? Did you know You Were Made to Make a Difference?This adaptation of Outlive Your Life for teens offers practical tips youth can take out into their community to make a difference, plus real-life stories about those who have done just that. Teens learn that God can use them to make a difference right now. He wants to use them today, w… Read more…

You Changed My Life: Stories of Real People With Remarkable Hearts

You Changed My Life: Stories of Real People With Remarkable Hearts

by Max Lucado

Narrated by Roger Mueller

If someone has changed your life for the good, now is the time to celebrate by letting them know how much they matter. This gift book celebrates their story with personalization space “You changed my life by___” to be written in detail by the gifter. It also includes short stories told by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado abo… Read more…

Sin temor: Imagina tu vida sin preocupación

Sin temor: Imagina tu vida sin preocupación

by Max Lucado

Narrated by David Rojas

Cada amanecer parece traer nuevas razones para sentir temor. Se habla de despidos en el trabajo, disminuci?n del ritmo de la econom?a, brotes de violencia en el Medio Oriente, bajas en el mercado de la vivienda, subidas en el calentamiento global. La plaga de la actualidad, el terrorismo, comienza con la palabra terror. Los noticieros difunden suficiente inf… Read more…

Mas Alla de Tu Vida: Fuiste creado para marcar la diferencia

Mas Alla de Tu Vida: Fuiste creado para marcar la diferencia

by Max Lucado

Narrated by David Rojas

?Qu? ocurrir?a si sacudi?ramos al mundo con esperanza? Estos son d?as dif?ciles en la historia de nuestro mundo. Miles de millones de personas son pobres, y millones permanecen hambrientas o sedientas cada d?a. Las enfermedades cobran miles de vidas diariamente. Pero a ti y a m? se nos ha dado una oportunidad para influir de manera positiva. ?Qu? ocurrir?a s… Read more…

(Number of titles: 401)