Resources by Susan J. R.N. Zonnebelt-Smeenge - Olive Tree Bible Software

Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

Resources by Susan J. R.N. Zonnebelt-Smeenge

For the Olive Tree Bible App

From We to Me: Embracing Life Again After the Death or Divorce of a Spouse

From We to Me: Embracing Life Again After the Death or Divorce of a Spouse

by Susan J. R.N. Zonnebelt-Smeenge and Robert C. De Vries

While we don't like to think about it, marriages eventually do come to an end, either with the death of a spouse or tragically through divorce. This "end" of a relationship leaves the other partner alone and facing an uncertain future. Whether widowed or divorced, the feeling and experience of aloneness--moving from being a "we to a me"---is a common one… Read more…

Traveling through Grief: Learning to Live Again after the Death of a Loved One

Traveling through Grief: Learning to Live Again after the Death of a Loved One

by Susan J. R.N. Zonnebelt-Smeenge and Robert C. De Vries

When a loved one dies it can seem like life will never be normal again. The world can become a blur of flowers, relatives, cards, and well-meaning visitors; and the griever may feel that he or she cannot come up for air. But there is normalcy after death, say authors Zonnebelt-Smeenge and De Vries; it just takes some time--and help--to get there. Traveling t… Read more…

The Empty Chair: Handling Grief on Holidays and Special Occasions

The Empty Chair: Handling Grief on Holidays and Special Occasions

by Susan J. R.N. Zonnebelt-Smeenge and Robert C. De Vries

Losing a loved one--whether a spouse, parent, child, sibling, or friend--leaves people feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Holidays and other special occasions seem to intensify the pain. Whether the occasion is Christmas or Easter, a birthday or anniversary, these celebrations force the bereaved to again face the reality of a loved one's absence. Susan Zo… Read more…