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Bible Backgrounds Sale!

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Psalms Volume 1: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Psalms Volume 1: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Robert Alden

Combining in a most helpful presentation both scholarly exegesis and practical application, this commentary discusses the meaning of the first fifty psalms. The Psalms served as the hymnbook of ancient Israel and expressed their deepest emotion and reverence toward God, so they are particularly well suited for devotional study.Dr. Alden says, "Here, mo… Read more…

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Psalms Volume 2: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Psalms Volume 2: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Robert Alden

This profound yet clearly written volume discusses the middle section of the Psalter, psalms 51-100, which contains some of the most beautiful expressions of dedication to God in the Bible. Dr. Alden's commentary makes them come alive for Christians today.Studying the Psalms is particularly important for the Christian, since, as Dr. Alden says, "Here… Read more…

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Psalms Volume 3: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Psalms Volume 3: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Robert Alden

In this third commentary on the Psalms, Dr. Alden completes his series by illuminating the final fifty psalms, which he has entitled "Songs of Discipleship." These psalms reveal kaleidoscopic meanings for the reader as Dr. Alden examines the background of each psalm, explains the message the psalmist was attempting to convey then, and relates it in a mea… Read more…

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Proverbs: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Proverbs: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Irving L Jensen

To think that the same God who spoke worlds into being, who wrought redemption when man had fallen, who shall bring in a new heaven and a new earth, should stoop to give instruction for the very details of His creatures' lives!The Proverbs are as important as they are practical. You are likely acquainted with the Proverbs, but Irving L. Jensen will h… Read more…

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Isaiah: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Isaiah: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Alfred Martin

Recognizing the need for a basic understanding of this rich prophetic book, the author has written a general introduction. He covers the high points and lays a firm foundation for future examination of this important section of Scripture. Stressing the value of reading the book itself, Dr. Martin points out that a knowledge of its factual content is ba… Read more…

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Jeremiah & Lamentations: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Jeremiah & Lamentations: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Irving L Jensen

Jeremiah, previously published as a separate volume, has been combined with Lamentations to provide a carefully organized exposition that reconstructs the historical and cultural backgrounds as well as the vital message of the two Old Testament books.Jeremiah is a penetrating analysis of a significant prophetic book regarded as especially relevant to mod… Read more…

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Ezekiel: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Ezekiel: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Ralph H. Alexander

The Old Testament book of Ezekiel is filled with visions and prophecies the Lord revealed to His prophet. Although these revelations were given to the people of Israel during their Babylonian captivity, many of them are yet to be fulfilled. Ezekiel gives warnings of punishment for evil practices and waywardness but also glorious promises to encourage thos… Read more…

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Daniel: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Daniel: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by John C. Whitcomb

Controversy has raged for centuries over the authenticity and authorship of the book of Daniel. Is it a forged document written much later to encourage Maccabean freedom fighters resisting Antiochus Epiphanes? Isn't it full of obvious historical blunders? How could Daniel have included Greek works in his Hebrew and Aramaic text?John C. Whitcomb has answe… Read more…

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Hosea & Amos: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Hosea & Amos: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by H. Ronald Vandermey and Gary G. Cohen

God used Hosea and Amos--one right after the other--to announce to the Northern Kingdom (Israel) that God's patience had at last ended and that the hour of decision had arrived. These prophets challenged Israel to repent now or face God's immediate judgment and endure pitiless conquest and plundering at the hands of the merciless Assyrians.Bot… Read more…

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Habakkuk & Zephaniah: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Habakkuk & Zephaniah: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Cyril J. Barber

Viewed against the backdrop of Assyrian supremacy, the Scythian invasion, and independent power struggles preceding the emergence of the neo-Babylonian empire, Habakkuk and Zephaniah are two of the most difficult books in the prophetic canon. Cyril J. Barber explores these two much-neglected portions of Scripture in an effort to explain the purpose of each… Read more…

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Haggai & Malachi: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Haggai & Malachi: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Herbert . Wolf

Haggai and Malachi, two postexilic minor prophets, addressed many practical issues that concern God's people even today: attitudes, priorities, the use of money, divorce, Christ's second coming and others. In Haggai, the people listen to God's message and are encouraged; but in Malachi, they argue with the Lord. Yet both books offer important… Read more…

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Zechariah: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Zechariah: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Carl L. Laney

Zechariah, written to encourage the remnant of Israel struggling to follow the Lord, looks ahead to the eventual triumph of God's people and the coming of the Messiah. It contains many prophecies about Messiah, His life on earth, His millennial reign, and the salvation He would bring--so many in fact that it has been called the "Revelation of the Old… Read more…

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Survey of the Old Testament: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Survey of the Old Testament: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Paul N. Benware and Paul Benware

The New Testament Scriptures will never be properly understood by a person if the Old Testament Scriptures essentially remain a mystery to him,' says Paul Benware.Most Christians do not have a clear understanding of the pattern, unity, or progression of the Old Testament. They can tell stories of Moses, Noah, and David but aren't sure how all the… Read more…

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Mark: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Mark: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Ralph Earle

Author Ralph Earle's commentary provides understanding of the unique attributes of the Gospel of Mark. Action-filled, vivid, and often picturesque in detail, this short Gospel is peppered with words such as "immediately," "straightway," and "forthwith". It dives quickly into the ministry of Jesus with little to no time spent on preceding events. This ins… Read more…

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Acts of the Apostles: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Acts of the Apostles: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Charles C. Ryrie

Models for church government, guidelines for evangelism and mission work, the challenge to triumphant faith in the face of opposition and persecution—this is the book of Acts.Designed for laypeople, these commentaries deal seriously with the biblical text without being overly technical. Introductory information, doctrinal themes, problem passages, and pr… Read more…

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Romans: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Romans: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Alan Johnson

The book of Romans is one of the best-loved books in the entire Bible. Paul's explanation of the doctrine of justification by faith is rooted deep within the hearts of most Christians. Further, the acknowledgment that we are not under law, but under grace has given Christians freedom from the bondage of legalism for centuries. However, Romans is a compl… Read more…

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First Corinthians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

First Corinthians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Robert B. Hughes

When Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthians, he was responding to their plea for guidance and spiritual leadership. The new believers at Corinth were facing serious problems--divisions, immorality, marital strife, confusion regarding spiritual gifts, and misuse of money. They had lost sight of the joy of Christian liberty. Paul's instruction to t… Read more…

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Second Corinthians- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Second Corinthians- Everyman's Bible Commentary

by Robert B. Hughes and Robert Hughes

Whenever a Christian spreads the gospel, obstacles arise. It doesn't matter whether that Christian is the apostle Paul or you. Second Corinthians is a letter from Paul that deals not only with those problems, but also with their solutions. A careful study provides you with many practical rules to apply to your own situations. Robert B. Hughes clarifi… Read more…

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Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Howard F. Vos

Freedom, a concept which is often misunderstood today, actually involves a great deal of responsibility, love for others, and burden-bearing. In this letter to the Galatian churches, the apostle Paul spoke out on Christian liberty and freedom.In this commentary, the author captures the emotion of a concerned apostle as he invites enslaved Christians to r… Read more…

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Ephesians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Ephesians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Homer KentJr

With the ecumenical movement gaining impetus in today's world, ecclesiological discussions are common. What does church actually mean? Is it a visible organization or a spiritual organism? Who makes up its membership? Nearly two centuries ago, the apostle Paul spoke on these and similar issues in his letter to the Ephesian believers...This encouragin… Read more…

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Philippians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Philippians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by John F. Walvoord

It seems unlikely that a chained prisoner would write a paper on triumph, but in his letter to the Philippian believers, the apostle Paul did exactly that. John F. Walvoord's refreshing analysis of this popular New Testament epistle combines an unusually fascinating style with a careful exegesis of the original Greek text. After discussing the ep… Read more…

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Colossians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Colossians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Everett F. Harrison

The epistle of Paul to the Colossian church was primarily intended to answer the heresies of that day, but, as Dr. Harrison points out, "in the process of meeting error, the apostle was led to give us deep insights into the person and work of our Savior. "Dr. Harrison considers historical setting and authorship, then, following the progression of the epi… Read more…

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First & Second Thessalonians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

First & Second Thessalonians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Charles C. Ryrie

Dr. Ryrie's admiration for these letters is clear: "These epistles are like finely cut gems… From every part shine forth the character and conduct of Paul's missionary heart, and they sparkle with the brilliance of captivating power of the Gospel of Christ."Paul's was basically satisfied, even thrilled, with the progress of his flock. But he wa… Read more…

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First Timothy: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

First Timothy: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by D Edmon Hiebert

This concise interpretation of the apostle Paul's first letter to Timothy keeps technical matters to a minimum, while making every effort to provide a clear explanation of each portion of the epistle. Dr. Hiebert's verse-by-verse method keeps the trend of thought before the reader by means of a well-developed outline.The letter to Timothy was inte… Read more…

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Second Timothy: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Second Timothy: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by D Edmon Hiebert

A reliable guide to Paul's last letter is provided by D. Edmond Hiebert in this concise interpretation of 2 Timothy. The verse-by-verse exposition offers a systematic explanation of the entire book. A comprehensive outline accurately follows the progression of Paul's thought, giving a quick overall view of the contents.Second Timothy is the most… Read more…

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Hebrews: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Hebrews: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Charles F. Pfeiffer

The emphasis of Hebrews was born out of the concern of the writer for those who had been true to Christ in the past but who were now wavering. Signs of defection from the faith brought both a warning against apostasy and a fervent exhortation to press onward to spiritual maturity. The epistle argues that the death of Christ renders obsolete the Old Testa… Read more…

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James: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

James: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Vernon D. Doerksen

What should you as a Christian be thinking, saying, and doing? The epistle of James outlines God's answers to those questions. James provides you with guidelines for a life that is consistent with your beliefs -- consistent with the way God wants you to live. It is as relevant today as the day it was written.In a readable, helpful style, Vernon Doerk… Read more…

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First & Second Peter: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

First & Second Peter: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Louis Barbieri

First Peter is a practical book about the Christian's behavior before God, the world, and fellow believers. Second Peter discusses the characteristics of the believer and warns against false teachers and doctrines that creep into the church. In this volume, Louis Barbieri takes these books passage by passage, providing background and scholarly interpr… Read more…

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Jude: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Jude: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by S Maxwell Coder

Rich in content and replete with warnings concerning the last days, this epistle of only twenty-five verses has often been neglected by students of God's Word. Jude: The Acts of the Apostes is a scholarly, practical exposition of this short but important New Testament book.The early development of a logical structural outline brings out Jude's in… Read more…

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Revelation: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Revelation: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Charles C. Ryrie

Not to mystify, but to clarify. According to Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, the book of Revelation was not designed to confuse or mystify its readers, but to enlighten them about future events. Revelation, the only major prophetic book in the New Testament, was written by the apostle John while in exile on the island of Patmos. John was commanded by God not to se… Read more…

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Survey of the New Testament: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

Survey of the New Testament: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

by Paul N. Benware and Paul Benware

The New Testament is worthy of a lifetime of study, as it answers the most significant questions people have asked,' says Paul Benware. What is the purpose of life? Is there any real hope? What is God like? Can I be freed from guilt and sin?Jesus Christ is the only answer to those questions. He is the key to God's New Covenant, the central theme … Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Genesis (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Genesis (DBT)

by Iain Provan

This introduction to the interpretation of Genesis encourages in-depth study of the text, and genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised, by providing a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates. It draws on a range of methodological approaches (author-, text- and reader-centred), as complementary rather t… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Exodus (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Exodus (DBT)

by Ralph K Hawkins

Discovering Exodus is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of the book of Exodus. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, it encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering Biblical Texts series, Di… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering the Psalms (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering the Psalms (DBT)

by Jerome F. D. Creach

This introduction to the interpretation of the Psalms encourages in-depth study of the text and genuine grappling with the historical, literary and theological questions that it poses. It draws on a range of methodological approaches as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also reflects the growing scholarly attenti… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Isaiah (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Isaiah (DBT)

by Andrew T Abernethy

Discovering Isaiah is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of Isaiah. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, this is an Old Testament commentary that encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Matthew (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Matthew (DBT)

by Ian Boxall

Discovering Matthew is an accessible introduction to the Gospel of Matthew. This guide by Ian Boxall aims to encourage in-depth study of the first of the Gospels. It is a commentary written for those that want to genuinely grapple with the theological and historical questions raised by the text by providing a map to the Gospel as a whole. … Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Luke (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Luke (DBT)

by Joel B. Green

Discovering Luke is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of Luke’s gospel. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, this is a New Testament commentary that encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Disco… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering John (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering John (DBT)

by Ruth B Edwards

This introduction to the interpretation of Matthew aims to encourage in-depth study of the text, and genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised, by providing a 'map' to the Gospel as a whole, and to key interpreters and interpretative debates. It draws on a range of methodological approaches (author-, text- and readercentr… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Romans (DBT)

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Romans (DBT)

by Anthony C. Thiselton

This introduction to the interpretation of Romans aims to encourage in-depth study of the text, and genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised, by providing a ‘map’ to the letter as a whole, and to key interpreters and interpretative debates. It will draw on a range of methodological approaches (author-, text- and reader-centr… Read more…

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Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Revelation

Discovering Biblical Texts: Discovering Revelation

by David A. deSilva

Discovering Revelation is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of Revelation. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, it encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering Biblical Texts series, Discov… Read more…

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Women & Identity

Women & Identity

by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Tracey D. Bianchi

We live only a small fraction of the lives God has for us. Our lives get smaller and smaller, circling around the minute-by-minute disappointments and demands of the present moment while God whispers softly or even hollers for us to harness our whole hearts. Written by experienced spiritual leaders Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Tracey Bianchi, the nine sessions … Read more…

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Life's Big Questions: Six Major Themes Traced Through the Bible

Life's Big Questions: Six Major Themes Traced Through the Bible

by Vaughan Roberts

How can the sixty-six books of the Bible have a single message for us today? What unites the vastly different accounts of God's work in the world? How do the various genres of the Bible work together? Vaughan Roberts believes that the Bible tells a single story for all time. He draws out the Bible's message of Jesus Christ and God's redemption th… Read more…

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Portraits of a Radical Disciple: Recollections of John Stott's Life and Ministry

Portraits of a Radical Disciple: Recollections of John Stott's Life and Ministry

by Christopher J. H. Wright, John Stott and Christopher JH Wright

John Stott has been a giant on the landscape of the worldwide church for more than half a century. Here, however, are almost three dozen brief, very human-sized portraits of a man who has been a radical disciple of Jesus all those years. One of the outstanding gifts that God gave to John Stott was an incredible capacity for friendship. Never did the word sin… Read more…

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What Mormons Believe

What Mormons Believe

by Robert M. BowmanJr.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is as American as apple pie," writes Robert Bowman in this booklet-length introduction to the Mormon faith. Addressing the growing curiosity of the American public, Bowman leads with a synopsis of former governor Mitt Romney's Mormon heritage and then recounts the history of the Church of Latter-day Saint… Read more…

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God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict

God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict

by Gregory A. Boyd

In this bold and compelling work, Gregory Boyd undertakes to reframe the central issues of Christian theodicy. By Boyd's estimate, theologians still draw too heavily on Augustine's response to the problem of evil, attributing pain and suffering to the mysterious "good" purposes of God. Accordingly, modern Christians are inclined not to expect evil an… Read more…

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Authentic Church: True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits

Authentic Church: True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits

by Vaughan Roberts

The church today faces challenges on every front. Christians are captivated by consumerism, seduced by celebrity, distracted by technology and overwhelmed by media. Religious and secular rivals are increasingly prominent, vying for our allegiance and worship. What does authentic Christian spirituality look like in such an era? Vaughan Roberts finds direction… Read more…

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Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

by Mark Dever and J. I. Packer

If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all? J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God'… Read more…

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Ashamed No More: A Pastor's Journey Through Sex Addiction

Ashamed No More: A Pastor's Journey Through Sex Addiction

by T. C. Ryan and Wangerin Jr.

There are some things we just don't talk about. Things like sex, particularly when our sexuality is a matter of personal struggle. Things like the vulnerabilities of our pastors, who must maintain a façade not merely of respectability but of moral and psychological superiority. We don't talk about things that make us feel insecure, that make us feel… Read more…

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Christ Crucified: Understanding the Atonement

Christ Crucified: Understanding the Atonement

by Donald Macleod

How could the life, let alone the death, of one man 2,000 years ago be the salvation of the human race? The biblical explanation is the atonement: the crucified one was the Son of God, acting and suffering in cooperation with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is presented in all four Gospels, and occupies considerable s… Read more…

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Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion

Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion

by Os Guinness

2016 Christianity Today Book of the Year in Apologetics/EvangelismOne of Desiring God's Top 15 Books of 2015Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Social Criticism and Cultural EngagementIn our post-Christian context, public life has become markedly more secular and private life infinitely more diverse. Yet many Christians still rely on cookie… Read more…

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(Number of titles: 200)