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For the Olive Tree Bible App

BE Responsible (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 Kings)

BE Responsible (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 Kings)

by Warren Wiersbe

“A bad workman always blames his tools.” The ancient proverb rings just as true today, and it is with this challenge for personal responsibility that Dr. Warren Wiersbe begins this latest installment of his comprehensive study through the Bible. Responsibility is not a popular concept for modern sensibilities that prefer to emphasize v… Read more…

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BE Distinct (Wiersbe BE Series - 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles)

BE Distinct (Wiersbe BE Series - 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles)

by Warren Wiersbe

This, the final installation of the "BE SERIES," comes from 2 Kings. It is the tale of two kingdoms that committed spiritual and national suicide by imitating their neighbors and failing to "be distinct." The parallels for today's Church are obvious and vital. Book comes complete with a group study guide. With definitions and insights … Read more…

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BE Determined (Wiersbe BE Series - Nehemiah)

BE Determined (Wiersbe BE Series - Nehemiah)

by Warren Wiersbe

Best-selling author Warren Wiersbe unwraps the book of Nehemiah in his study Be Determined to show a servant so selfless, a mission so humbling, and a perseverance so admirable that Christians are drawn to a new awe of God. As the leader God calls to mobilize and equip His people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was a man who didn't know the … Read more…

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BE Patient (Wiersbe BE Series - Job)

BE Patient (Wiersbe BE Series - Job)

by Warren Wiersbe

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Warren W. Wiersbe tackles this question as he explores the life of Job in his commentary Be Patient. Through Job's story, we are reminded of God's sovereignty and encouraged to endure the suffering in our own lives. In a single day, Job's wealth was plundered, his ten chil… Read more…

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BE Worshipful (Wiersbe BE Series - Psalms 1-89)

BE Worshipful (Wiersbe BE Series - Psalms 1-89)

by Warren Wiersbe

Beloved teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe leads the journey through the valleys and mountains of Old Testament kings and queens, illuminating the painful confessions, the anger toward God, and the holy desires they modeled for generations to come. It's the unaltered, vulnerable grit of human experience that gives Psalms its credibility and makes it so valuab… Read more…

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BE Exultant (Wiersbe BE Series - Psalms 90-150)

BE Exultant (Wiersbe BE Series - Psalms 90-150)

by Warren Wiersbe

"The school of life is preparation for eternity with God." No God, no passing grades! And the best students in this particular school are the ones who know that the bell signaling the end of the last class may ring when least expected. With creative word pictures like this, and the spiritual depth and insight that comes from a lifetime of worshipping the Lor… Read more…

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BE Skillful (Wiersbe BE Series - Proverbs)

BE Skillful (Wiersbe BE Series - Proverbs)

by Warren Wiersbe

Our world yearns for how-to guides and the secret to a fulfilled life. However, no truth is man-made. The wisdom that God granted to King Solomon is the same wisdom that would benefit us today—if only we would seek it. The book of Proverbs offers principles to develop godly character daily. From the dangers of speaking without listening … Read more…

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BE Satisfied (Wiersbe BE Series - Ecclesiastes)

BE Satisfied (Wiersbe BE Series - Ecclesiastes)

by Warren Wiersbe

King Solomon had it all. Wealth. Power. Prestige. Yet despite having everything he could ever want, Solomon was still unsatisfied. He soon came to a startling conclusion: Even if we have it all, it is never enough. This revelation inspired the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon's profound thoughts on the meaning of life. BE Satisfied examines Solomon's re… Read more…

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BE Comforted (Wiersbe BE Series - Isaiah)

BE Comforted (Wiersbe BE Series - Isaiah)

by Warren Wiersbe

For anyone who thinks that comfort is equivalent to pity and that it is only priceless to those who need an emotional crutch, best-selling author Warren Wiersbe applies the words of the prophet Isaiah to prove that God's comfort is no such thing. The word comfort actually translates "to repent" in Hebrew; our English translation, however, adds another di… Read more…

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BE Decisive (Wiersbe BE Series - Jeremiah)

BE Decisive (Wiersbe BE Series - Jeremiah)

by Warren Wiersbe

Imagine living in a world with no moral absolutes. A place where truth is in the eye of the beholder. A society with eroding standards. Sound familiar? Yet this dilemma is not new. The prophet Jeremiah was called to take a public, and unpopular, stand for God's truth. His story can inspire us to make the powerful, decisive choice to stay firm in our fait… Read more…

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BE Reverent (Wiersbe BE Series - Ezekiel)

BE Reverent (Wiersbe BE Series - Ezekiel)

by Warren Wiersbe

The modern church has become a comfortable place, as congregations focus on creating warm and welcoming environments. But have casual attitudes replaced reverence for the Lord? The prophet Ezekiel was called to remind God's people about His holy and glorious nature, and that message remains as relevant today as when it was first delivered. This study exa… Read more…

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BE Resolute (Wiersbe BE Series - Daniel)

BE Resolute (Wiersbe BE Series - Daniel)

by Warren Wiersbe

We've all heard the phrase: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. What about faith? Will your faith thrive in tough times? Do you desire a more resolute faith? The book of Daniel relates the familiar Sunday School stories of the lions' den, the fiery furnace, and some remarkable prophecies, but take some time to investiga… Read more…

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BE Amazed (Wiersbe BE Series - Minor Prophets)

BE Amazed (Wiersbe BE Series - Minor Prophets)

by Warren Wiersbe

The books of Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Malachi are viewed by Biblical scholars as the Minor Prophets. Yet the insights and messages contained within these books are anything but minor. These prophets offer a unique, firsthand view of an all-powerful God who longs to intimately connect with His people. This study examines their personal stories… Read more…

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Be Concerned (Minor Prophets) Making a Difference in Your Lifetime

Be Concerned (Minor Prophets) Making a Difference in Your Lifetime

by Warren Wiersbe and Warren W. Wiersbe

The truth in God’s word illuminates the sinful state of our fallen world. And throughout history that insight has moved believers from conviction to action, to share His truth with a world in need, to burden us with a deep concern for people. But how can we translate that concern into effective ministry? The prophets Amos, Obadiah, Micah, and Zephaniah… Read more…

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BE Heroic (Wiersbe BE Series - Minor Prophets)

BE Heroic (Wiersbe BE Series - Minor Prophets)

by Warren Wiersbe

We all admire the hero. That person who's celebrated for accomplishing big things in the face of even bigger odds. Yet heroes aren't defined by their circumstances, but by their choices. They're people who continually choose to serve others, even when no one is watching, and without expecting credit. Based on the books of Ezra, Haggai, and Zechar… Read more…

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BE Loyal (Wiersbe BE Series - Matthew)

BE Loyal (Wiersbe BE Series - Matthew)

by Warren Wiersbe

Matthew's gospel focuses on the Kingship of Christ—that Jesus is Lord of Lords, the Messiah, the One promised by the prophets of old. But a king is not born in a manger, to a virgin peasant, and a king is definitely not executed on a Roman cross, is he? Actually, that's exactly the type of King God sent to the world. While the Je… Read more…

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BE Diligent (Wiersbe BE Series - Mark)

BE Diligent (Wiersbe BE Series - Mark)

by Warren Wiersbe

Christianity is not a passive faith. It is a dynamic, proactive way of life where God's love motivates us to ministry, to help those in need, and to serve those around us. And no one better illustrates this lifestyle than our Savior. The Gospel of Mark shares the life, love, and ministry of Christ, who provides the ultimate example for those longing to a… Read more…

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BE Compassionate (Wiersbe BE Series - Luke 1-13)

BE Compassionate (Wiersbe BE Series - Luke 1-13)

by Warren Wiersbe

The life and ministry of Christ was marked by His overwhelming compassion for people. And His heart is the same today. As believers, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, and extend His extravagant love to a broken world. Based on the book of Luke, this study examines the very heartbeat of our Savior, and explores how Jesus connected with hurting… Read more…

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BE Courageous (Wiersbe BE Series - Luke 14-24)

BE Courageous (Wiersbe BE Series - Luke 14-24)

by Warren Wiersbe

Encounter the ultimate profile in courage It takes courage to walk out our faith. Courage to stand for what we believe. To set our standards on Biblical truth, not cultural trends. To pursue a life defined by integrity and character. And we find no greater profile in courage than in the life of Christ. This study follows our Savior as he f… Read more…

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BE Alive (Wiersbe BE Series - John 1-12)

BE Alive (Wiersbe BE Series - John 1-12)

by Warren Wiersbe

When Jesus spoke, people listened. When Jesus traveled, people followed. When Jesus arrived, hearts and lives were transformed. No other Gospel gives such extensive explanation to Jesus' ministry as the Gospel of John. The first three Gospels describe events, but the fourth Gospel describes the significance behind those events. Through… Read more…

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BE Transformed (Wiersbe BE Series - John 13-21)

BE Transformed (Wiersbe BE Series - John 13-21)

by Warren Wiersbe

How to pray, how to serve, how to overcome, how to love: Jesus taught the disciples these timeless lessons through hands-on experience and powerful parables that resonated in the hearts of multitudes. Most evident in John 13-21, however, is Christ's teaching on the transforming power of joy—how to have it, hold onto it, and never let it go. &#… Read more…

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BE Dynamic (Wiersbe BE Series - Acts 1-12)

BE Dynamic (Wiersbe BE Series - Acts 1-12)

by Warren Wiersbe

"The ministry of the Holy Spirit is not a luxury; it is an absolute necessity," writes celebrated author and respected pastor Warren Wiersbe. In his first of two books covering Acts, Be Dynamic focuses on Peter's ministry, mostly in Israel and centered in Jerusalem. Through explaining Luke's record of the Gospel's advancement and church expansi… Read more…

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BE Daring (Wiersbe BE Series - Acts 13-28)

BE Daring (Wiersbe BE Series - Acts 13-28)

by Warren Wiersbe

In his motivational sequel to Be Dynamic (Acts 1-12), best-selling author Warren Wiersbe skillfully explains the book of Acts to the layperson and the pastor alike. A respected pastor and a man whose study series has sold over 4 million copies, Wiersbe affectionately calls the apostle Luke "Dr. Luke" as he shows how Dr. Luke recorded Paul's missionary j… Read more…

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BE Wise (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 Corinthians)

BE Wise (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 Corinthians)

by Warren Wiersbe

The early church in Corinth was falling apart. Sin was rampant, divisions were growing, and the congregation was living no differently than the world around them. What had corrupted this once vibrant church? The apostle Paul immediately understood the symptoms: The people had traded God's perfect wisdom for faulty human knowledge. Be Wise guides us throu… Read more…

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BE Encouraged (Wiersbe BE Series - 2 Corinthians)

BE Encouraged (Wiersbe BE Series - 2 Corinthians)

by Warren Wiersbe

The road of spiritual growth can get bumpy. From the new believer to the seasoned disciple, we all experience frustrations and setbacks in our pursuit of God. And perhaps no one understands spiritual struggles better than the apostle Paul. In the book of 2 Corinthians, Paul shares a revealing look at his own challenges, and offers a profound message of encou… Read more…

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BE Free (Wiersbe BE Series - Galatians)

BE Free (Wiersbe BE Series - Galatians)

by Warren Wiersbe

More than just a guide to understanding Galatians, best-selling author Warren Wiersbe's Be Free is also a guide to embracing freedom in Christ. As a man who is known as the "pastor of pastors" and has studied the Bible relentlessly, gleaning relevance for today for his readers and listeners, Wiersbe has so gripped the hearts of his wide audience that he… Read more…

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BE Rich (Wiersbe BE Series - Ephesians)

BE Rich (Wiersbe BE Series - Ephesians)

by Warren Wiersbe

In a society where wealth is often the measurement of success, popular author and Bible teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe unravels Ephesians to reveal the countercultural nature of the Gospel. Through helpful illustrations and analysis, he opens our eyes to the riches that we already have in Christ—though we rarely take advantage of them. We… Read more…

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BE Joyful (Wiersbe BE Series - Philippians)

BE Joyful (Wiersbe BE Series - Philippians)

by Warren Wiersbe

In spite of his dire situation as a prisoner a Roman jail, Paul`s letter to the church at Philippi overflows with joy. Discover Paul's secret to finding joy in Christ as Dr. Warren Wiersbe leads you on verse-by-verse tour through the book of Philippians. Take notice of Paul's single-minded focus remains on Jesus and learn how your joy can also be com… Read more…

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BE Complete (Wiersbe BE Series - Colossians)

BE Complete (Wiersbe BE Series - Colossians)

by Warren Wiersbe

We live in an age when everyone is trying to live richer, fuller lives. We're told to buy this, try that, eat those, and say no to the rest, as if that's all we need to do to make our lives complete. Two thousand years ago, the church at Colossae faced similar challenges. The Apostle Paul wrote a letter outlining the only way we ca… Read more…

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BE Ready (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 & 2 Thessalonians)

BE Ready (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 & 2 Thessalonians)

by Warren Wiersbe

During His life and ministry, Christ assured the apostles that He would one day return for His people. But how should this future event affect our lives today? In Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, he reveals that the promise of Christ's return is more than a doctrine of our faith. It is a remarkable truth that can shape how we live, how we connect,… Read more…

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BE Faithful (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon)

BE Faithful (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon)

by Warren Wiersbe

In a fast-paced, technology-based era when drive-thrus, cell phones, laptops, and Internet banking are the norm, it's sometimes hard to fathom that God doesn't appreciate our frail attempts at spiritual shortcuts. Through the pastoral epistles, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, with insight from Paul's letter to Philemon as well, Dr. … Read more…

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BE Confident (Wiersbe BE Series - Hebrews)

BE Confident (Wiersbe BE Series - Hebrews)

by Warren Wiersbe

Hebrews—written by Christians, to Christians, and for Christians—is loaded with spiritual truth accessible to any believer looking to grasp the importance of faith. Penned at a politically unstable time, Hebrews targets believers tempted to abandon their faith and slip back into the rules and regulations of Judaism. In our politically … Read more…

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BE Mature (Wiersbe BE Series - James)

BE Mature (Wiersbe BE Series - James)

by Warren Wiersbe

Perhaps of all the books in the New Testament, James most squarely focuses on results. His pull-no-punches approach to spiritual maturity, his preference for action over words, makes his text the perfect backdrop for a study of how to grow in our faith. Beloved author and teacher, Warren Wiersbe, leads you through this practical book with … Read more…

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BE Hopeful (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 Peter)

BE Hopeful (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 Peter)

by Warren Wiersbe

"Hope is not a sedative; it is a shot of adrenaline, a blood transfusion." Through clever word pictures like this, best-selling author and former pastor Warren Wiersbe preaches the same message Peter preached so long ago. Turning each enlightening page, believers gain increasing confidence in true Hope, a God in whom they don't just wish for eternal li… Read more…

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BE Alert (Wiersbe BE Series - 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude)

BE Alert (Wiersbe BE Series - 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude)

by Warren Wiersbe

The study guide for life's true or false questions The world is filled with counterfeits. And the church is not immune, as false ideas and doctrines can infect believers and congregations. So when it comes to spiritual teachers, messages, and movements, how can we tell fact from fiction? The answers are found in 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, an… Read more…

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BE Real (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 John)

BE Real (Wiersbe BE Series - 1 John)

by Warren Wiersbe

"Like a child eating cotton-candy at the circus, many people who expect to bite into something real end up with a mouthful of nothing. They waste priceless years on empty substitutes for reality." Through clever word pictures like this that strike the reader with their simple truth, acclaimed best-selling author and former pastor Warren Wiersbe shares pric… Read more…

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BE Victorious (Wiersbe BE Series - Revelation)

BE Victorious (Wiersbe BE Series - Revelation)

by Warren Wiersbe

The book of Revelation stands out as one of the most intriguing, yet least understood books of the Bible. From the sobering letters to the seven churches to the amazing visions and epic battles, millions of Christians have toiled to understand the meaning of this mysterious book. Trust Dr. Warren Wiersbe, pastor and Bible teacher for over … Read more…

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Sermon on the Mount: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Sermon on the Mount: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

"The followers of Jesus are to different," writes John Stott, "different from both the nominal church and the secular world, different from both the religious and the irreligious. The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete delineation anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counter-culture. Here is a Christian value-system, ethical standard, religio… Read more…

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Matthew: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Matthew: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Michael Green

The Gospel according to Matthew is perhaps the most important single document of the New Testament, for in it we have the fullest and most systematic account of the birth, life, teaching, death and resurrection of the founder of Christianity, Jesus the Messiah. In The Message of Matthew, Michael Green shows how this very Jewish Gospel portrays the power and … Read more…

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Mark: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Mark: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Donald English

At first sight the Gospel of Mark is a simple account of the ministry of Jesus with lots of stories, plenty of action, a large amount of human interest, and some very straight and searching questions, mostly from Jesus himself. Yet underlying the Gospel is the cross and the cost of discipleship, focusing the question of who Jesus was, and … Read more…

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Luke: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Luke: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Michael Wilcock

Luke the Physician was fascinated by people - rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rulers and slaves. In his Gospel he delights to portray Jesus as the Saviour not of an elite group but of any one, in any condition, who turns to him. Jesus is indeed the Saviour of the world. Luke knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote his… Read more…

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John: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

John: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Bruce Milne

John's Gospel has had an incalculable impact on human history. Its pages contain a moral and spiritual potency which, over the centuries, has transformed communities, brought about political change and remade human character on a scale without precedent. The power remains in the Gospel today. At its centre, as at the centre of his expo… Read more…

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Acts: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Acts: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

The Book of Acts, John Stott believes, is important not only for its vivid historical record. It is also vital for the inspiration which it brings to us now. Today's church can seek to recapture something of the early confidence, enthusiasm, vision and power of the church of the first century. Despite all its imperfections and troubles, the young church … Read more…

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Romans: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Romans: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

Paul's letter to the young church in Rome has dramatically influenced Christians through the ages. It has been described as a 'gateway into heaven'. In his letter Paul gives a complete picture of the gospel - the fullest and grandest in the New Testament. His horizons are vast, taking in time and eternity, the past, present and… Read more…

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1 Corinthians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

1 Corinthians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by David Prior

David Prior, in The Message of I Corinthians, writes first of all as a pastor. His conviction is that 1 Corinthians is uniquely a tract for our times. His aim is that churches will recognise the problems and tensions inherent in being God's people in the increasingly urban world today, and not be ignorant of the true spirituality that is the work of the … Read more…

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2 Corinthians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

2 Corinthians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Paul Barnett

The letter of 2 Corinthians is important, Paul Barnett believes, for its magnificent message that God's power is brought to people in their weakness, not in human strength. This momentous theme emerges in a dramatic real-life situation. The apostle confronts shadowy opponents who had recently come to Corinth and formed an alliance with… Read more…

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Galatians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Galatians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

To enclaves of young converts tucked away in the mountains of Asia Minor, Paul wrote what is perhaps the oldest document in the New Testament - the letter to the Galatians. What problems were they facing? Among a variety of religious authorities espousing different teachings, how were they to know who was right? How were men and women to b… Read more…

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Ephesians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Ephesians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

A new and better society has been the constant dream of men and women. Responding to this dream, John Stott has been attracted back again and again by Paul's letter to the young church at Ephesus. It portrays a new society of Christ's making that stands out in bright relief against our colourless world of oppression, heartache, separation and divisio… Read more…

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Philippians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Philippians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by J. A. Motyer

The Apostle Paul was bound by prison chains when he wrote to the church at Philippi. Despite his loss of liberty, and opposition from fellow-workers, the letter radiates joy - joy that Christ was proclaimed, joy in fellowship with the Philippian Christians, and above all joy in Jesus himself. In Message of Philippians, Alec Motyer explores Paul's great t… Read more…

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(Number of titles: 181)