Read & Study the Bible in New Ways! - Olive Tree Bible Software

Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

Read & Study the Bible in New Ways!

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Matthew (Open Your Bible Commentary Series)

Matthew (Open Your Bible Commentary Series)

by F. F. Bruce

The Gospel of Matthew, written for Jewish Christians, focuses on who Jesus is, why he came, and how he fits into God's bigger purposes. Matthew shows that Jesus is the long-expected Messiah, the bringer of God's kingdom. The most prominent feature of this gospel is the teaching of Jesus, which is arranged in five discourses that dominate the book'… Read more…

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Gospel of John: A Verse-by-verse Exposition

Gospel of John: A Verse-by-verse Exposition

by F. F. Bruce

"Exactly the sort of work [written] for ordinary Christians who want to know their Bible better," said D.A. Carson of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. This outstanding commentary is easy to read, informative, and intended for the general reader interested in serious Bible study. The translation used is Bruce’s own. He sets passages i… Read more…

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Acts: A Bible Study Commentary

Acts: A Bible Study Commentary

by F. F. Bruce

This study opens our understanding of the Acts of the Apostles so that "you may know the truth concerning the things of which you have been informed." Acts is the second volume of the history of Christian origins by Luke, a doctor who wrote "an orderly account" of the life of Christ and the early church. The first volume is Luke’s gospel. Acts is a pivotal… Read more…

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The Epistle to the Ephesians: A Verse-by-Verse Exposition

The Epistle to the Ephesians: A Verse-by-Verse Exposition

by F. F. Bruce

A thorough verse-by-verse exposition of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. "Nowhere," says Bruce, is God’s "glorious purpose unfolded so fully and clearly as in the Epistle to the Ephesians...The message of Ephesians is that only through Christ, in the fellowship of his body, can iron curtains, color-bars, class-warfare and all other divisions of this kind … Read more…

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Epistles of John: A Verse-by-verse Exposition

Epistles of John: A Verse-by-verse Exposition

by F. F. Bruce

The Epistles of John were written to encourage believers in the face of false teachings and to assure them that they were indeed following the truth of Christ. Believers still face the temptation to conform the gospel to current fashions of thought, just as they did in the time of John. In this careful verse-by-verse exposition, F.F. Bruc… Read more…

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Peter, Stephen, James, and John

Peter, Stephen, James, and John

by F. F. Bruce

It is plain from Paul’s writings that presentations of the Christian message other than his own were current during his apostolic career. This concise and scholarly study describes four of the non-Pauline movements in the early church, each of which can be identified with a particular leader: Peter, acknowledged leader of the apostles; Stephen and the Hell… Read more…

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Pauline Circle

Pauline Circle

by F. F. Bruce

"Paul," writes F.F. Bruce, "attracted friends around him as a magnet attracts iron filings. He had that warm and outgoing kind of personality which draws out people's good will and affection." The New Testament evidence for Paul's wide circle of friends is plentiful, both in Paul's own writings and in the Book of Acts. In each … Read more…

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Paul and His Converts

Paul and His Converts

by F. F. Bruce

In this commentary on five of Paul’s letters—to the churches in Corinth, Thessalonica, and Philippi—F.F. Bruce focuses on Paul’s pastoral care and the growth of the people he loved so much. Since we face today so many of the problems and issues Paul and his converts faced, this book acts as a guide for growth. How can we encourage and build up fellow… Read more…

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Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase

Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase

by F. F. Bruce

"This book is perhaps the most accessible introduction to the writings of St. Paul ever written in modern English," said an Amazon reviewer. That’s because Professor Bruce does not approach his "expanded paraphrase" as a Bible translator, but as a storyteller recounting the life of Paul after his conversion and his correspondence with churches and individu… Read more…

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Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls

Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls

by F. F. Bruce

"I felt as if I were discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls myself," said one reviewer because "the book is exciting to read." Although first written fewer than ten years after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, this third edition (1964) is an excellent, readable introduction to "the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times." F.F. Bruce’s balanced and t… Read more…

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Books and the Parchments

Books and the Parchments

by F. F. Bruce

The Books and the Parchments is a classic text on the history and origins of the Bible, explaining the languages in which the Bible was written, how the books of the Bible were chosen, and the Bible’s transmission and translation from the earliest translations to the most popular English versions. Included are sections on the "Lost Books of the Bible", the… Read more…

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New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?

New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?

by F. F. Bruce

Are the New Testament documents reliable? Can we have confidence in their record of the life and teaching of Jesus and his followers? Such questions are fundamental for anyone approaching the New Testament. F. F. Bruce, formerly Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester, was well qualified to answer them. This class… Read more…

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New Testament History

New Testament History

by F. F. Bruce

The story of the New Testament is best understood when it is set in its historical context, which is what F.F. Bruce does brilliantly in this book. He begins by explaining the political, social, intellectual, and religious aspects of the Jewish people after their return from exile. The life and ministry of Jesus is then set within that culture. … Read more…

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Spreading Flame

Spreading Flame

by F. F. Bruce

Covering the period of church history from its infancy to the conversion of the Enlgish in AD 800, this story of the early Christian church pictures an unquenchable spiritual force organized for tribulation, with spiritual resources never stronger than in times of seeming disaster. Bruce gives the reader a feel for the evangelistic fervor of the Apostles and… Read more…

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New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes

New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes

by F. F. Bruce

After His resurrection, Jesus met Cleopas and another disciple on the Road to Emmaus and explained to them everything the Old Testament said about Himself. To understand the Old Testament themes that were fulfilled in Jesus, we need to understand Old Testament thought. F.F. Bruce reveals the context of the New Testament writers' unders… Read more…

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Understanding Biblical Criticism

Understanding Biblical Criticism

by F. F. Bruce

The term "biblical criticism" simply means discerning the most accurate text of the Bible ("textual criticism") and then exploring issues such as who wrote the various books of the Bible, when they were written, and the circumstances of the writing ("higher criticism"). Yet because the word "criticism" can imply fault-finding, and because … Read more…

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Deity of Christ: Was Jesus a Fraud or Was He God?

Deity of Christ: Was Jesus a Fraud or Was He God?

by F. F. Bruce

In New Testament times there did not seem to be any doubt that Jesus said he was God. But nearly 300 years later a priest in Alexandria, Egypt, taught that although Jesus had divine attributes, he himself was not God—a viewpoint that remains among some groups today. Recognizing that the doctrine of the deity of Christ was under attack, Dr. William J. Marti… Read more…

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Defending First-Century Faith

Defending First-Century Faith

by F. F. Bruce

What is the gospel? And how was it first preached — and defended? As they eagerly told the world about Jesus Christ, early Christians met with many forms of opposition: religious opposition (from the Jews), cultural opposition (from paganism), political opposition (from the Roman empire), and philosophical opposition (from "Christian de… Read more…

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What the Bible Says About the Work of Christ

What the Bible Says About the Work of Christ

by F. F. Bruce

Who was Jesus? What did He do? What is He doing now? And what is He going to do? F.F. Bruce lets the Bible speak for itself in this illuminating introduction to the past, present, and future work of Jesus. The book is a perfect starting point for both individual and group study. Each page exhibits Bruce’s spiritual maturity and his intimacy with Christ. "B… Read more…

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In Retrospect: Autobiographical Remembrances

In Retrospect: Autobiographical Remembrances

by F. F. Bruce

In Retrospect: Remembrances of Things Past is an intimate self-portrait of the life and times of F.F. Bruce, one of the evangelical world’s most beloved and influential biblical scholars. In a time when the academic community looked down upon Evangelicals, Bruce significantly demonstrated that worthwhile academic work could be done by a… Read more…

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Paul: Apostle of the Free Spirit

Paul: Apostle of the Free Spirit

by F. F. Bruce

F.F. Bruce wrote this biography of Paul to share the rewards that he experienced in his study – the rewards that came, he said, because of the warmth of Paul's personality, his intellectual stature, his message of redeeming grace, and his single-minded devotion to preaching the gospel. The result, says Theology Today, is the magnum opus of F.F. Bruce, … Read more…

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Discovering the Message of the Bible

Discovering the Message of the Bible

by F. F. Bruce and H.L. Ellison

Discovering the Message of the Bible brings together two important works by two leading evangelical scholars of the twentieth century—H.L. Ellison and F.F. Bruce. Ellison provides a primer to the understanding of the Old Testament; Bruce presents "the central message of New Testament . . . in a creative and invigorating way," said Christianity Today. … Read more…

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Israel and the Nations: The History of Israel from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple

Israel and the Nations: The History of Israel from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple

by F. F. Bruce

In recounting Israel's story from the Exodus to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, F.F. Bruce reveals the historical context of the nation of Israel in a way that reads more like a novel than an academic text. In doing so, he makes the Bible come alive. For instance, the book gives a context to Psalm 137 in which Edom rejoices over Jerusalem'… Read more…

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Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in One God (Volume 1)

Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in One God (Volume 1)

by Gerald Bray

"We believe in one God, the Father." The opening clause of the Nicene Creed can be summed up in a single word--monotheism. In the early centuries of the church, this striking doctrine stood starkly against a cultural background of multiple deities and spiritual powers. While it clearly builds on its Jewish heritage, calling God "Father" anticipates the Fathe… Read more…

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Ancient Christian Doctrine Series: We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ (Volume 2)

Ancient Christian Doctrine Series: We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ (Volume 2)

by John Anthony McGuckin

"Who do you say that I am?" This question that Jesus asked of his disciples, so central to his mission, became equally central to the fledgling church. How would it respond to the Gnostics who answered by saying Jesus was less than fully human? How would it respond to the Arians who contended he was less than fully God? It was these challenges that ultimatel… Read more…

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Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord (Volume 3)

Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord (Volume 3)

by Mark J. Edwards

The resurrection changed everything. "But for the resurrection," writes Mark J. Edwards, "there would have been no reason to argue for a union of two natures in the person of Christ, let alone for a dyad or triad in the Godhead. All that he had said and done in the course of his earthly ministry would have sat well enough with the character of a prophet who … Read more…

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Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in the Holy Spirit (Volume 4)

Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in the Holy Spirit (Volume 4)

by Joel C. Elowsky

"The Spirit blows where it pleases," Jesus said to Nicodemus. "You hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." The Spirit, like the wind, is hard to pin down. Any discussion of the Spirit is fraught with the difficulty of speaking about something or someone who de… Read more…

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Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (Volume 5)

Ancient Christian Doctrine Series - We Believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (Volume 5)

by Angelo Di Berardino

When was the church founded? Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God and not of a religious organization subsequently called church. We don't find in the Gospels expressions which make reference to the foundation of a new religious community, a new and distinct community of followers of Jesus. But after the resurrection of Jesus, his followers, as a result of … Read more…

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The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Foundations for Expository Sermons

The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Foundations for Expository Sermons

by Sidney Greidanus

A fusion of biblical hermeneutics and homiletics, this thorough and well-researched book offers a holistic contemporary approach to the interpretation and preaching of biblical texts, using all the scholarly tools available and focusing especially on literary features. Greidanus develops hermeneutical and homiletical principles and then applies them to four … Read more…

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Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: Foundations for Expository Sermons

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: Foundations for Expository Sermons

by Sidney Greidanus

Arguing for the need both to preach Christ in every sermon and to preach regularly from the Old Testament, Sidney Greidanus develops a christocentric method that will help preachers do both simultaneously. Greidanus challenges Old Testament scholars to broaden their focus and to understand the Old Testament not only in its own historical c… Read more…

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Preaching Christ from Genesis: Foundations for Expository Sermons

Preaching Christ from Genesis: Foundations for Expository Sermons

by Sidney Greidanus

Sidney Greidanus's previous two preaching books -- The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text and Preaching Christ from the Old Testament -- have received wide acclaim. Preaching Christ from Genesis offers more of Greidanus's solid, practical homiletical fare. Packed with unique features, Preaching Christ from Genesis: … Read more…

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Preaching Christ from Psalms: Foundations for Expository Sermons

Preaching Christ from Psalms: Foundations for Expository Sermons

by Sidney Greidanus

In this final volume of his series on preaching Christ from the Old Testament, Sidney Greidanus offers expert guidance for busy pastors on preaching Christ from Psalms. Beginning with a general introduction on how pastors can interpret and preach from the biblical psalms — and why they should — Greidanus proceeds by discussing twenty-t… Read more…

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Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes: Foundations for Expository Sermons

Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes: Foundations for Expository Sermons

by Sidney Greidanus

As Sidney Greidanus points out, the biblical book of Ecclesiastes is especially relevant for our contemporary culture because it confronts such secular enticements as materialism, hedonism, cut-throat competition, and self-sufficiency. But how can preachers best convey the ancient Teacher's message to congregations today? A respected e… Read more…

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Preaching Christ from Daniel: Foundations for Expository Sermons

Preaching Christ from Daniel: Foundations for Expository Sermons

by Sydney Greidanus

In Preaching Christ from Daniel Sidney Greidanus shows preachers and teachers how to prepare expository messages from the six narratives and four visions in the book of Daniel. Using the most up-to-date biblical scholarship, Greidanus addresses foundational issues such as the date of composition, the author(s) and original audience of the book, its overall m… Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding the Bible

Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding the Bible

by Kendell H. Easley

The Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding the Bible is your guide to deeper Bible study. If you've been wanting to get a better handle on the Bible-even if you've been reading it for years-this helpful reference book pulls the sweeping story, the timeline, the key terms, and much more into a clear, concise, yet surprisingly co… Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation

Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation

by Mark Whorton

The Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation surveys every major issue relating to the theology and science of creation. This includes proofs that the universe was created and designed by God, a discussion of the compatibility of Genesis with major theories in modern science, a survey of evangelical opinion regarding the age of Earth and the nature… Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics

Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics

by Doug Powell

In today’s pluralistic society, not every approach to sharing the gospel will work with all people. Being ready to give reasons for the hope we have in Christ means understanding the contextual framework of the people we are addressing. In the Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics, Renaissance man Doug Powell defends the Chri… Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Jesus

Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Jesus

by Jeremy Howard

Book six in a greatly successful, visually-driven yet content-rich reference series, the Holman QuickSource™ Guide to Understanding Jesus takes a close and clear look at Christ in five parts: (1) His Old Testament background, (2) His life on Earth, (3) the Cross, (4) His teachings, and (5) His followers. Author Jeremy Howard, a… Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Bible Dictionary

Holman QuickSource Bible Dictionary

Most Bible teachers say a Bible dictionary is the first reference tool a fledgling student of the Bible should acquire. The Holman QuickSource Bible Dictionary is a perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. It’s definitions are both carefully researched and accessible. Definitions are designed to give the user a quick understanding of a … Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls

Holman QuickSource Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls

by Craig Evans

Book seven in a greatly successful, visually-driven yet content-rich reference series, the Holman QuickSource™ Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls gives the reader a strong overview and understanding of the Dead Sea Scrolls and their importance for Christianity as outlined by esteemed professor and author Craig A. Evans. Topics cover… Read more…

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Holman QuickSource Bible Atlas

Holman QuickSource Bible Atlas

by Paul H. Wright

It's the quickest way to get the big picture. The Holman QuickSource Bible Atlas packs an amazing amount of information about the physical context of biblical events into a book that's easy to carry and easy to use. And now, with this colorful compact volume, you'll always have these details close by for fast, easy, dependable reference. Included… Read more…

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Calling and Work - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Calling and Work - Bible and Your Work Study Series

When Christians ask about vocation—or "calling"—we usually mean, "Is God calling me to a particular job, profession or type of work?" This question matters because God is interested in our work. Because he is, it’s sensible to ask what he wants us to do. We see in the Bible that God does indeed call some people to particular work, and this provides all… Read more…

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Economics and Society - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Economics and Society - Bible and Your Work Study Series

A topical study looking at Economics and Society through various biblical texts and Theology of Work articles. How does Christian faith relate to economic life in ways that can potentially advance a more abundant life for all? This study brings a biblical perspective to work and economic life within the overarching mission of fullness of l… Read more…

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Ethics at Work - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Ethics at Work - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Ethics is about knowing and doing what is good or right, and workplace ethics is about knowing and doing what is good or right at work. For the Christian, this means applying the Bible and other resources of the Christian faith to help decide and do what is ethical or moral at work. Three general approaches to ethics have achieved widespread use both in Chri… Read more…

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Leadership Beyond Rank and Power - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Leadership Beyond Rank and Power - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Primarily using Paul’s letter to Philemon, this topical study looks at the idea of leadership "beyond rank and power." Weighing in at one mighty chapter, Philemon is the shortest book written by Paul and one of the shortest in the entire New Testament. Yet a glimpse at this short epistle begins to show us why it was included—this little work packs a powe… Read more…

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Provision And Wealth - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Provision And Wealth - Bible and Your Work Study Series

God intends for everyone to thrive economically. He wants us to find provision (supply of what we need) for our daily life. He also desires for us to enjoy the abundance (wealth) of his generosity. However, we live and work in a world where some live extravagantly and have enormous wealth, while many others struggle to scratch out a living, going without eve… Read more…

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Rest and Work - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Rest and Work - Bible and Your Work Study Series

This Bible study examines the meaning and place of “rest” and “work” in the Bible, providing a relevant roadmap for our everyday lives. Workplace Christians who wonder if the Bible’s Sabbath commandments still apply to us today will find this to be a practical, meditative, and helpful guide. People thrive when we work and rest in… Read more…

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Truth and Deception - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Truth and Deception - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Virtually everyone knows that the people of God are supposed to tell the truth. Even though we recognize there are exceptions—protecting the innocent, guarding national security, and a few others—we remember how Jesus described himself as “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6), and we understand that truth is the way of life God calls us to… Read more…

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Women and Work in the New Testament - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Women and Work in the New Testament - Bible and Your Work Study Series

In the New Testament, we find women engaged in all kinds of work, and in many cases their issues are still issues for us today. Reading about women and their work in the Bible shows us how to honor God and find joy in the midst of our work now. When we turn to the first chapter of the Bible, we watch God "at work" creating our cosmos and a… Read more…

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Women and Work in the Old Testament - Bible and Your Work Study Series

Women and Work in the Old Testament - Bible and Your Work Study Series

In every period in the life of God’s people in the Old Testament, women were called to step forward, coming to the aid of helpless people. When God determined to give Adam a mate in Genesis 2, he called her ezer knegdo—a helper equal to the man. But that word helper can trip us up if we think of the woman as a kind of assistant or as a plumber’s appren… Read more…

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(Number of titles: 174)