Fall Sale! - Olive Tree Bible Software

Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

Fall Sale!

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Preaching the Word - Job

Preaching the Word - Job

by Christopher Ash

Life can be hard, and sometimes it seems like God doesn’t even care. When faced with difficult trials, many people have resonated with the book of Job—the story of a man who lost nearly everything, seemingly abandoned by God. In this thorough and accessible commentary, Christopher Ash helps us glean encouragement from God’s Word by d… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Psalms 1-41

Preaching the Word - Psalms 1-41

by James Johnston

The Psalms are treasured poetry that reflect the prayer and praise of ancient Israel. Every generation opens the Psalms for inspiration, comfort, hope, and encouragement. They’re also are a rich source of truth about God, humanity, and salvation. The authors of the New Testament understood this, quoting the Psalms more than any other Old… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Proverbs

Preaching the Word - Proverbs

by Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr.

How exactly does one become wise? With the overwhelming flood of information and opinion in our times—much of it a mixture of spin, sound bites, and trivialities—it is crucial we turn back to the Bible and pay close attention to the deep insights that have stood the test of time. Proverbs 1:20 tells us that “Wisdom cries aloud in the… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Ecclesiastes

Preaching the Word - Ecclesiastes

by Philip Graham Ryken

The book of Ecclesiastes is "about life, the way it really is," writes commentator Philip Ryken. Readers throughout the ages have been drawn to the way it honestly wrestles with the tedium of work, injustices in this life, the ravages of age, and the inevitability of death. But its wisdom, according to Ryken, is in teaching people to trust God with life'… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - The Song of Solomon

Preaching the Word - The Song of Solomon

by R. Kent Hughes, Douglas Sean O’Donnell and Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Our culture holds the megaphone when it comes to talking about sex today. Yet the church has maintained a reputation for keeping quiet, hesitant to teach people about this sacred aspect of life. The Song of Solomon, however, holds nothing back as it sings loudly about the holy practice of sexuality and pushes us into the conversation with godly theology. Whi… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Isaiah

Preaching the Word - Isaiah

by Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr.

Isaiah is widely considered the deepest, richest, and most theologically significant book in the Old Testament. It is, without question, a profound statement by God about his own sovereignty and majesty spoken through his chosen spokesman, the prophet Isaiah. In this accessible commentary on the book of Isaiah, Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. argue… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Jeremiah and Lamentations

Preaching the Word - Jeremiah and Lamentations

by Philip Graham Ryken

The “Weeping Prophet,” the rabbis said, began wailing the moment he was born. Jeremiah had reason to weep—he witnessed the devastating consequences of life without God. Sadly, the relativism Jeremiah saw in ancient Israel predominates in America today. That’s why his words are so relevant for our lives. Better than anyone else, Jer… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Daniel

Preaching the Word - Daniel

by Rodney D. Stortz

Containing both triumphant stories of God's provision and difficult prophetic images, the book of Daniel stirs readers' imagination and interest. Examples abound of Daniel's unswerving dedication to the God of Israel, and the prophet describes the coming days in striking detail. Throughout this book the nature of Daniel's G… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Matthew

Preaching the Word - Matthew

by Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Jesus is King. Standing as a central theme of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ kingly authority has profound implications for our lives today—changing the way we view the world, interact with others, and respond to blessings and hardships. In this reader-friendly commentary, seasoned pastor Doug O’Donnell leads us through the first book… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - The Sermon on the Mount

Preaching the Word - The Sermon on the Mount

by R. Kent Hughes

The three chapters of Matthew known as the Sermon on the Mount contain truths so rich and powerful that even a lifetime of study could not exhaust their depths. For centuries, Jesus’s majestic portrait of the kingdom of heaven and his unparalleled instructions for godliness have captivated Christians and non-Christians alike. In this classic commentary, no… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 1

Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 1

by R. Kent Hughes

In our age of aggressive evil and apathetic faith, the Gospel of Mark resounds with the dynamic power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps the most dramatic and action-packed of the synoptic Gospels, Mark's writing continues to inspire increased commitment in the Church at large. Mark's portrayal of Christ as the Servant-Savior takes … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 2

Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 2

by R. Kent Hughes

This second volume covers Mark 9:2-16:20, the culmination of Jesus's ministry on earth. Seen in glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, challenged by religious skeptics, the Christ moves inexorably toward the cross, where history's greatest battle would be fought and won. And so we, like the ancient world, are confronted with the crucified and risen C… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 1

Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 1

by R. Kent Hughes

Luke's carefully researched and "orderly account" of the life of Christ is one of the finest pieces of historical writing in all of ancient literature. Yet it also accomplishes its divinely appointed—and more personal—purpose: that people of every century "may know the truth." "Those who study Luke cannot stay the same," says comme… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 2

Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 2

by R. Kent Hughes

Luke's carefully researched and orderly account of the life of Christ is one of the finest pieces of historical writing in all of ancient literature. Yet it also accomplishes its divinely appointed purpose: that people of every century "may know the truth." The breadth of Luke's Gospel–with entire sections that are recorded nowhe… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - John

Preaching the Word - John

by R. Kent Hughes

While each of the Gospels presents Christ with a distinct emphasis, the Gospel of John focuses on His greatness. As the timeless Creator-God of the universe. As the Word made flesh. As the gracious Lover of our souls who is the only Way to the Father. Instead of detailing the facts and events of His earthly life, as the other Gospel writer… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Acts

Preaching the Word - Acts

by R. Kent Hughes

Dynamic churches–congregations that are experiencing phenomenal growth, Christian ministries that God is using to take down walls, churches where souls are being saved and lives transformed–inspire us and make for great reading. The book of Acts, the divinely inspired history of the early church, is all this and more. In the author'… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Romans

Preaching the Word - Romans

by R. Kent Hughes

Few Christians would dispute that the book of Romans is one of the most powerful and influential books ever written. After all, Paul’s epistle has been the written force behind some of the most significant conversions of church history: St. Augustine was convicted of his sin after reading some verses from the thirteenth chapter; Martin Luther recovered th… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1 Corinthians

Preaching the Word - 1 Corinthians

by Stephen Um

The issues addressed in the the book of 1 Corinthians are strikingly similar to the issues faced by the Church today: sin, pride, disunity, and confused identities. Paul warns the Corinthians with words of exhortation, but not without profound encouragement. In doing so, he points modern readers to the hope offered to Christians as they follow Jesus in a fal… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 2 Corinthians

Preaching the Word - 2 Corinthians

by R. Kent Hughes

During Paul’s ministry, Corinth was a newly rebuilt, bustling, important city in the Roman Empire. It was a place full of pride, individualism, wealth, and religious pluralism. No wonder its inhabitants held little regard for Paul’s message! Sound familiar? Our contemporary culture has much in common with ancient Corinth. The relevance… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Galatians

Preaching the Word - Galatians

by R. Kent Hughes, Todd Wilson and Todd A. Wilson

Paul’s letter to the Galatians stands as a key book in the Bible, especially as it relates to the Old Testament Law and to the Christian’s “freedom in Christ.” Paul’s emphasis on Jesus’s substitutionary death, justification by faith, and the work of the Spirit makes the letter crucial for a complete understanding of the New Testament’s teaching… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Ephesians

Preaching the Word - Ephesians

by R. Kent Hughes

The Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians is one of the most dynamic portions of all of Scripture. Called by one commentator “the crown and climax of Pauline theology,” it issues a clarion call to all who follow the Master. With its dual focus on Christ and the Church, as well as its careful presentation of doctrine and duty, Ephesians points the way … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Philippians

Preaching the Word - Philippians

by R. Kent Hughes

The four chapters of Philippians contain some of the most-quoted and beloved passages in Scripture: "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," "Rejoice in the Lord always," "Do not be anxious about anything," "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Yet in our familiarity with the Apostle Paul's words to his favorite church, we mus… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Colossians and Philemon

Preaching the Word - Colossians and Philemon

by R. Kent Hughes

In our day of massive religious confusion, the message of Colossians is among the most timely of all the New Testament books. Today many seek to exclude belief in God from every corner of modern life. Others flaunt "New Age" ideas about God and Christ which collide with the Scriptures. Confusion reigns and many are in need of knowing the Truth. … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Preaching the Word - 1 & 2 Thessalonians

by James H. Grant, Jr.

Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica to encourage them to live in the light of the gospel. In his two letters he addresses a number of topics, including the persecution they were enduring, the second coming of Christ, and how they were to live in the present times. While the letters were written nearly two thousand years ago, pastor James H. Grant Jr. in… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1-2 Timothy and Titus

Preaching the Word - 1-2 Timothy and Titus

by R. Kent Hughes

There are substantial reasons to be energized about studying the Pastoral Letters of Paul. Between them they teach the proper ordering of the church (1 Timothy), they present a developed challenge to all Christians (2 Timothy), and they suggest God’s priorities for mature ministry (Titus). Experienced pastors R. Kent Hughes and Bryan Chapell have done thei… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Hebrews Volume 1

Preaching the Word - Hebrews Volume 1

by R. Kent Hughes

The book of Hebrews conveys a double dose of spiritual power. It not only presents the greatness of Christ in ways no other New Testament writing does, but it repeatedly demands a heart response from the reader. No one can study Hebrews and not grow spiritually and come face to face in a new way with Christ. It is also true that no New Tes… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Hebrews Volume 2

Preaching the Word - Hebrews Volume 2

by R. Kent Hughes

The book of Hebrews conveys a double dose of spiritual power. It not only presents the greatness of Christ in ways no other New Testament writing does, but it repeatedly demands a heart response from the reader. No one can study Hebrews and not grow spiritually and come face to face in a new way with Christ. It is also true that no New Tes… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - James

Preaching the Word - James

by R. Kent Hughes

One of the most practical books in the New Testament, the book of James is a call to action. This epistle focuses on the outworking of the Christian life, pointing us to the necessary relationship between faith and works. In a world of trials, temptation, conflict, and conceit, James urges us to demonstrate our faith through the way we live. &#… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1&2 Peter and Jude

Preaching the Word - 1&2 Peter and Jude

by David R. Helm

Neither Peter nor Jude minced words about the realities that would confront every Christian and that were confronting the church at large-suffering and persecution, contradictory views of the gospel, constant challenges to the faith at the hands of false teachers. Yet even in the face of these harsh realities, both biblical writers unswervingly declared that… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1-3 John

Preaching the Word - 1-3 John

by David L. Allen

This commentary on 1–3 John is a great resource for pastors and laypersons alike, showing how John’s letters lay out the foundational nature of truth and love in the context of the local church, with teachings that overflow with theological depth and real-world wisdom. Part of the Preaching the Word commentary series.… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Revelation

Preaching the Word - Revelation

by James M. Hamilton, Jr.

In the book of Revelation, God unveils the world as it really is, identifying an unseen spiritual war and announcing a very real day of judgment. As the end approaches, we need to be convinced that Jesus is reigning as the risen King. We need to have him speak to the situation in our churches. We need to see how God will pulverize wickedness, answer those wh… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Genesis, Revised Edition (von Rad 1973) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Genesis, Revised Edition (von Rad 1973) — OTL

by Gerhard von Rad

The last work undertaken by Professor von Rad before his death in the autumn of 1971 was this revision of his commentary on Genesis, parts of which originally appeared in German as long go as 1949. The introduction was extensively rewritten, and the early chapters of the commentary were reworked equally thoroughly. From Genesis 12 onward the text was only mi… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: The Book of Exodus (Childs 1974) — OTL

Old Testament Library: The Book of Exodus (Childs 1974) — OTL

by Brevard S. Childs

Taking a pioneering approach to commentary writing, Brevard Childs gives an entirely original treatment to the book of Exodus. Apart from the philological notes and translation, this commentary includes a form-critical section, looking at the growth of the tradition in its previous stages; a consideration of the meaning of the text in its present form; and a… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Leviticus (Gerstenberger 1996) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Leviticus (Gerstenberger 1996) — OTL

by Erhard S. Gerstenberger

Leviticus offers many challenges for interpretation, including the laws contained within the book, as well as questions of the book's origins and compilation. This new commentary by Old Testament scholar Erhard Gerstenberger provides a sure guide through the text of Leviticus and these questions. Gerstenberger understands that Leviticus is the product of… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Numbers (Noth 1969) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Numbers (Noth 1969) — OTL

by Martin Noth

In this examination of Numbers, Martin Noth explores the community of the twelve tribes, the organization of the Levites, various divine ordinances, and other important themes in the book of Numbers. Also included is an appendix on daughters' rights of inheritance. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments o… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Deuteronomy (Nelson 2002) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Deuteronomy (Nelson 2002) — OTL

by Richard D. Nelson

This commentary on Deuteronomy meets and exceeds the high standards of the Old Testament Library series. It provides one of the most sophisticated explanations of the compositional process that produced Deuteronomy, presenting that process as a combination of large-scale redactional activity and "micro- redaction." The commentary is also a… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Deuteronomy (von Rad 1966) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Deuteronomy (von Rad 1966) — OTL

by Gerhard von Rad

This commentary on Deuteronomy provides one of the most sophisticated explanations to date of the compositional process that produced Deuteronomy, presenting that process as a combination of large-scale redactional activity and "micro-redaction." The commentary is also attentive to the historical background of Deuteronomy's origins in the reigns of Manas… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Joshua (Nelson 1997) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Joshua (Nelson 1997) — OTL

by Richard D. Nelson

Richard D. Nelson addresses the textual problems critical to a full understanding of Joshua and offers historical, literary, and theological insights in this balanced commentary. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The co… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Judges (Niditch 2011) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Judges (Niditch 2011) — OTL

by Susan Niditch

Susan Niditch's commentary on the book of Judges pays careful attention to the literary and narrative techniques of the text and yields fresh readings of the book's difficult passages: stories of violence, ethnic conflict, and gender issues. Niditch aptly and richly conveys the theological impact and enduring significance of these stories. &… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Judges (Soggin 1981) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Judges (Soggin 1981) — OTL

by J. Alberto Soggin

This Old Testament Library volume provides a commentary on the book of Judges. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing. Reviews of… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Ruth (Nielsen 1997) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Ruth (Nielsen 1997) — OTL

by Kirsten Nielsen

Kirsten Nielsen's comments on the book of Ruth paint a rich and subtle portrait of its characters, carefully tracing the many connections between this story and other biblical passages, such as the stories of Judah and Tamar. This volume is a powerful addition to this critically acclaimed Old Testament Library series. The Old Testament… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: I and II Samuel (Auld 2011) — OTL

Old Testament Library: I and II Samuel (Auld 2011) — OTL

by A. Graeme Auld

In this new addition to the Old Testament Library series, Graeme Auld writes, "This book is about David." The author demonstrates how all the other personalities in First and Second Samuel--including Samuel, for whom the books were named--are present so that we may see and know David better. These fascinating stories detail the lives of David, his predecesso… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: I and II Samuel (Herzberg 1965) — OTL

Old Testament Library: I and II Samuel (Herzberg 1965) — OTL

by Hans Wilhelm Hertzberg

This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the books of I and II Samuel. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing. Rev… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: I and II Kings (Sweeney 2013) — OTL

Old Testament Library: I and II Kings (Sweeney 2013) — OTL

by Marvin A. Sweeney

This volume offers a close reading of the historical books of I and II Kings, concentrating on not only issues in the history of Israel but also the literary techniques of storytelling used in these books. Marvin A. Sweeney provides a major contribution to the prominent Old Testament Library series with advanced discussions of textual difficulties in the boo… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: I and II Chronicles (Japhet 1993) — OTL

Old Testament Library: I and II Chronicles (Japhet 1993) — OTL

by Sara Japhet

In this commentary on the books of I and II Chronicles, Sara Japhet directs her attention to the areas which are the heart of the book — the literary aspect, shedding light upon the book as a historical composition and the methods and means chosen to convey the ideas, and theology — to illuminate the author's goals, the spiritual world as reflected i… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Ezra-Nehemiah (Blenkinsopp 1988) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Ezra-Nehemiah (Blenkinsopp 1988) — OTL

by Joseph Blenkinsopp

Ezra-Nehemiah in the context of the biblical narrative as a whole can be read as the gathering up of the past and reshaping it in such a way as to allow for a future, sustaining the life and energy of the community to which the author belonged — despite a historical narrative of great promise ending in disaster. Ezra-Nehemiah gives "the people back their h… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Esther (Levenson 1997) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Esther (Levenson 1997) — OTL

by Jon D. Levenson

The book of Esther has been preserved in ancient texts that diverge greatly from each other; as a result, Jews and Protestants usually read a version which is shorter than that of most Catholic or Orthodox Bibles. Jon Levenson capably guides readers through both versions, demonstrating their coherence and their differences. The Old Testame… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: The Book of Job (Habel 1985) — OTL

Old Testament Library: The Book of Job (Habel 1985) — OTL

by Norman C. Habel

In this volume, Norman Habel takes on the humbling task of writing a commentary on such a classic work as the book of Job--a text that is complex and unclear at many points. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contrib… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: The Psalms (Weiser 1962) — OTL

Old Testament Library: The Psalms (Weiser 1962) — OTL

by Artur Weiser

The Psalter has been an inexhaustible well of inspiration for the writers of Christian hymns, and one which the Christian community found easy to approach in a direct and personal way. Explore with author Artur Weiser the context and composition, along with historical and theological exposition of the Book of Psalms. The Old Testament Libr… Read more…

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Old Testament Library: Proverbs (Clifford 1999) — OTL

Old Testament Library: Proverbs (Clifford 1999) — OTL

by Richard J. Clifford

Through translation, technical notes, and insightful commentary, Richard Clifford sheds new understanding on Proverbs. By focusing on the rhetoric of Proverbs, Clifford demonstrates how the book fosters a lifelong search for wisdom, and enables readers to see how the instructions and sayings are concerned with contemporary issues. The Old … Read more…

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(Number of titles: 189)