Fall Sale! - Olive Tree Bible Software

Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

Fall Sale!

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Crossway Classic Commentaries: Old Testament

Crossway Classic Commentaries: Old Testament

Throughout the history of Christianity, many great minds have devoted themselves to the study and exploration of the Bible in pursuit of spiritual insight. Believers today are fortunate to benefit from this impressive history of inquiry and inspiration. The Crossway Classic Commentaries Series (CCC) is a collection of book-by-book biblic… Read more…

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Crossway Classic Commentaries: New Testament

Crossway Classic Commentaries: New Testament

Throughout the history of Christianity, many great minds have devoted themselves to the study and exploration of the Bible in pursuit of spiritual insight. Believers today are fortunate to benefit from this impressive history of inquiry and inspiration. The Crossway Classic Commentaries Series (CCC) is a collection of book-by-book biblic… Read more…

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NIV Audio Bible Read by David Suchet: Old Testament

NIV Audio Bible Read by David Suchet: Old Testament

Narrated by David Suchet

Ever since he became a Christian at the age of 40, it has been Poirot actor David Suchet's dream to make an audio recording of the whole Bible. In between filming the final episodes of Poirot, David Suchet spent over 200 hours in the recording studio to create the very first full-length audio version of the NIV Bible spoken by a single British actor. … Read more…

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NIV Audio Bible Read by David Suchet: New Testament

NIV Audio Bible Read by David Suchet: New Testament

Narrated by David Suchet

Ever since he became a Christian at the age of 40, it has been Poirot actor David Suchet's dream to make an audio recording of the whole Bible. In between filming the final episodes of Poirot, David Suchet spent over 200 hours in the recording studio to create the very first full-length audio version of the NIV Bible spoken by a single British actor. … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Genesis

Preaching the Word - Genesis

by R. Kent Hughes

The book of Genesis contains some of the most beautiful and well-known stories in the Bible: the garden, the flood, the tower of Babel, and the lives of the patriarchs. But these are more than just good stories. They lay the groundwork for God’s relationship with humanity and for his plan for our salvation, making Genesis foundational to understanding ever… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Exodus

Preaching the Word - Exodus

by Philip Graham Ryken

To read Exodus is to encounter God. The book is about the mercy, justice, holiness, and glory of almighty God, who rules history by his sovereign power, saves the people of his covenant, and delivers his people from bondage. Once heard, the stories recorded in Exodus leave a lasting impression. Readers return to these great acts of redemption again and again… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Leviticus

Preaching the Word - Leviticus

by Kenneth A. Mathews

This new Preaching the Word commentary reveals how the regulations detailed in Leviticus point to the perfection and fulfillment of Christ in the New Testament age. It is the message that God spoke to his people through Moses as they prepared to depart for the Promised Land. It details regulations for holy living and sacrificial worship in… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Numbers

Preaching the Word - Numbers

by Iain M. Duguid

The book of Numbers tells the story of Israel’s experience, ranging from their exodus out of Egypt to their entrance into the Promised Land. The lives of two generations are recorded: the first lacking in faith and receiving their just punishment from God, and the second believing the Word of God and so entering into their inheritance as his children. … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Deuteronomy

Preaching the Word - Deuteronomy

by Ajith Fernando

The book of Deuteronomy is a call to obedience—the proper response to God’s faithfulness and love. Consisting primarily of speeches that Moses gave to the Israelites shortly before they entered the Promised Land, Moses’ words proclaimed God’s covenant faithfulness in hopes of motivating the Israelites to obey God despite the coming temptation to conf… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Joshua

Preaching the Word - Joshua

by David Jackman

Following closely on the heels of the Exodus story, the book of Joshua recounts the mighty acts of God as he fulfills his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is, quite profoundly, a testimony to God’s awesome power and enduring faithfulness. Written to aid pastors in their preaching and churches in their reading, this accessible co… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Judges and Ruth

Preaching the Word - Judges and Ruth

by R. Kent Hughes and Barry Webb

The book of Judges powerfully demonstrates the chaos that can arise when sin reigns in people’s hearts. In contrast, the book of Ruth offers a message of redemption and hope following disorder. Set in a time when everyone “did what was right in his own eyes,” both books work together to highlight God’s faithfulness in the midst of Israel's disobe… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1 Samuel

Preaching the Word - 1 Samuel

by John Woodhouse

What kind of leaders should we follow? What kind of leaders should we be? And what does God have to do with it? These are some of the questions inherent in 1 Samuel, with its portrait of divine response to ancient Israel's leadership crisis. That crisis was met through three men-Samuel, Saul, and David-in ways that forever changed the character of Israel… Read more…

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(Number of titles: 189)