Fall Sale! - Olive Tree Bible Software

Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

Fall Sale!

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 1

Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 1

by R. Kent Hughes

In our age of aggressive evil and apathetic faith, the Gospel of Mark resounds with the dynamic power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps the most dramatic and action-packed of the synoptic Gospels, Mark's writing continues to inspire increased commitment in the Church at large. Mark's portrayal of Christ as the Servant-Savior takes … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 2

Preaching the Word - Mark Volume 2

by R. Kent Hughes

This second volume covers Mark 9:2-16:20, the culmination of Jesus's ministry on earth. Seen in glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, challenged by religious skeptics, the Christ moves inexorably toward the cross, where history's greatest battle would be fought and won. And so we, like the ancient world, are confronted with the crucified and risen C… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 1

Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 1

by R. Kent Hughes

Luke's carefully researched and "orderly account" of the life of Christ is one of the finest pieces of historical writing in all of ancient literature. Yet it also accomplishes its divinely appointed—and more personal—purpose: that people of every century "may know the truth." "Those who study Luke cannot stay the same," says comme… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 2

Preaching the Word - Luke Volume 2

by R. Kent Hughes

Luke's carefully researched and orderly account of the life of Christ is one of the finest pieces of historical writing in all of ancient literature. Yet it also accomplishes its divinely appointed purpose: that people of every century "may know the truth." The breadth of Luke's Gospel–with entire sections that are recorded nowhe… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - John

Preaching the Word - John

by R. Kent Hughes

While each of the Gospels presents Christ with a distinct emphasis, the Gospel of John focuses on His greatness. As the timeless Creator-God of the universe. As the Word made flesh. As the gracious Lover of our souls who is the only Way to the Father. Instead of detailing the facts and events of His earthly life, as the other Gospel writer… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Acts

Preaching the Word - Acts

by R. Kent Hughes

Dynamic churches–congregations that are experiencing phenomenal growth, Christian ministries that God is using to take down walls, churches where souls are being saved and lives transformed–inspire us and make for great reading. The book of Acts, the divinely inspired history of the early church, is all this and more. In the author'… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Romans

Preaching the Word - Romans

by R. Kent Hughes

Few Christians would dispute that the book of Romans is one of the most powerful and influential books ever written. After all, Paul’s epistle has been the written force behind some of the most significant conversions of church history: St. Augustine was convicted of his sin after reading some verses from the thirteenth chapter; Martin Luther recovered th… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 1 Corinthians

Preaching the Word - 1 Corinthians

by Stephen Um

The issues addressed in the the book of 1 Corinthians are strikingly similar to the issues faced by the Church today: sin, pride, disunity, and confused identities. Paul warns the Corinthians with words of exhortation, but not without profound encouragement. In doing so, he points modern readers to the hope offered to Christians as they follow Jesus in a fal… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - 2 Corinthians

Preaching the Word - 2 Corinthians

by R. Kent Hughes

During Paul’s ministry, Corinth was a newly rebuilt, bustling, important city in the Roman Empire. It was a place full of pride, individualism, wealth, and religious pluralism. No wonder its inhabitants held little regard for Paul’s message! Sound familiar? Our contemporary culture has much in common with ancient Corinth. The relevance… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Galatians

Preaching the Word - Galatians

by R. Kent Hughes, Todd Wilson and Todd A. Wilson

Paul’s letter to the Galatians stands as a key book in the Bible, especially as it relates to the Old Testament Law and to the Christian’s “freedom in Christ.” Paul’s emphasis on Jesus’s substitutionary death, justification by faith, and the work of the Spirit makes the letter crucial for a complete understanding of the New Testament’s teaching… Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Ephesians

Preaching the Word - Ephesians

by R. Kent Hughes

The Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians is one of the most dynamic portions of all of Scripture. Called by one commentator “the crown and climax of Pauline theology,” it issues a clarion call to all who follow the Master. With its dual focus on Christ and the Church, as well as its careful presentation of doctrine and duty, Ephesians points the way … Read more…

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Preaching the Word - Philippians

Preaching the Word - Philippians

by R. Kent Hughes

The four chapters of Philippians contain some of the most-quoted and beloved passages in Scripture: "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," "Rejoice in the Lord always," "Do not be anxious about anything," "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Yet in our familiarity with the Apostle Paul's words to his favorite church, we mus… Read more…

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(Number of titles: 189)