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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Creado para soñar: Las 6 fases que Dios usa para hacer crecer tu fe

Creado para soñar: Las 6 fases que Dios usa para hacer crecer tu fe

by Rick Warren

Dios tiene un sueño para tu vida, y en este conciso pero poderoso volumen, el amado pastor y maestro de confianza Rick Warren explica el proceso que Dios utiliza para cumplir el sueño que te da.La Biblia está llena de historias de personas cuyos sueños dados por Dios se hicieron realidad, pero no sin antes pasar por las seis fases de la… Read more…

Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work

Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work

by Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

Grasping the dignity and significance of women and work.Women are an integral part in God’s call to work—to create and advance God’s kingdom. But work looks different for each one of us. Whether in the home, with children, or in a professional environment—or some combination of all of these—women are cultivating a world of be… Read more…

Ezra-Nehemiah: Audio Lectures

Ezra-Nehemiah: Audio Lectures

by Donna Petter and Thomas Petter

Narrated by Donna Petter and Thomas Petter

The Zondervan Biblical and Theological Lectures series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, Ezra-Nehemiah: Audio Lectures includes high-quality live recordings of college-level lectures that cover the important points from each subject as well as relevant material from other … Read more…

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Toda mi vida hecha nudos: Una autobiografía

Toda mi vida hecha nudos: Una autobiografía

by Beth Moore

Un vistazo increíblemente considerado, intensamente vulnerable y con humor desarmante de la vida y el ministerio de una mujer reconocida por muchos pero conocida por pocos.«Es algo peculiar, esto de haber vivido lo suficiente como para echar un buen vistazo hacia atrás. Vamos de conocer a los demás mejor que a nosotros mismos a cuestionar qué tan bien l… Read more…

30 Old Testament Passages with Deeper Meaning: The Surprising Significance of Seemingly Ordinary Verses

30 Old Testament Passages with Deeper Meaning: The Surprising Significance of Seemingly Ordinary Verses

by Michael Williams

Feed your curiosity of the Bible by exploring the deeper meaning behind familiar Old Testament passages.Below the surface of every seemingly ordinary Bible verse lies a deeper meaning just waiting to be discovered. And these hidden insights aren't just reserved for scholars, academics, or pastors. Anyone who knows where to look can uncover the surprising… Read more…

Conozca los libros de la Biblia: Introducciones a los 66 libros de la Biblia

Conozca los libros de la Biblia: Introducciones a los 66 libros de la Biblia

Conozca los libros de la Biblia es una guía concisa y fácil de entender que brinda una visión general y útil de cada libro de la Biblia. Lleno de revelación prometedora, detalla el entorno, la autoría, el resumen, el esquema, la línea de tiempo, el significado, el mensaje y pensamientos sobre lo que hace que cada uno de los 66 libros sea único. ¡Es … Read more…

Discipleship for Kids: Helping Children Grow in Christ

Discipleship for Kids: Helping Children Grow in Christ

by Rebecca Ruybalid Stone

Discipleship for Kids offers a straightforward, fun, and empowering pathway to help you teach faith fundamentals to children.Helping children discover the Christian life can feel daunting and overwhelming. How do we instill a lifelong love for Jesus, God, and the Bible? The good news is that we don’t have to have all the Bible knowledge in the world. Disci… Read more…

Parent’s Guide to Teen Identity

Parent’s Guide to Teen Identity

by Axis

“I am who I decide to be.” Teens strongly believe in a world where self-expression, uniqueness, and differences are welcome. Dig deep into Gen Z’s identity formation by uncovering false beliefs and steering them toward a healthy sense of self. Features:Lies culture tells you about identity formationBiblical truths about finding your real identityPracti… Read more…

Parent Guides to Social Media: 5 Conversation Starters: Teen FOMO / Influencers / Instagram / TikTok / YouTube

Parent Guides to Social Media: 5 Conversation Starters: Teen FOMO / Influencers / Instagram / TikTok / YouTube

by Axis

It’s common for parents to feel lost in their teen’s world. They can sift through the social media slang, texting shorthand, and viral quotes, and still feel disconnected and confused. Axis Parent’s Guide to Social Media is a generational translator of a teen’s world, featuring easy-to-understand explanations, relevant descriptions, and life applicat… Read more…

Conozca los personajes de la Biblia: 70 perfiles biográficos de personajes bíblicos

Conozca los personajes de la Biblia: 70 perfiles biográficos de personajes bíblicos

by Tyndale Bible

Dios obra principalmente a través de las personas. Sus victorias y sus errores nos sirven de ejemplo y pueden enseñarnos mucho.Conozca los personajes de la Biblia es un librito diseñado con el fin de ayudarle a explorar perfiles biográficos de personajes bíblicos. Conforme usted los conozca, la historia de las Escrituras se volverá más real y su ense… Read more…

The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth

The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth

by Noah J. Toly, Christina Bieber Lake, Kristen Page and Emily Hunter McGowin

When an author of fiction employs the imagination and sets characters in a new location, they are in a sense creating a world. Might such fictional worlds give us a deeper appreciation for our own?Many readers have found themselves, like the Pevensie children, transported by C. S. Lewis into Narnia, and they have traveled from Lantern Waste to Cair Paravel … Read more…

Words of Wisdom: A Life-Changing Journey through Psalms and Proverbs

Words of Wisdom: A Life-Changing Journey through Psalms and Proverbs

Dr. Billy Graham says in the Words of Wisdom foreword, “The Psalms tell us how to get along with God, and the Proverbs tell us how to get along with our fellow man.” As has long been Dr. Graham’s personal practice, Words of Wisdom makes it easy for anyone to read five Psalms and a chapter from Proverbs each day for 31 days. This beautiful LeatherLike g… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1129)