Theology - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 6 - Scientific and Philosophical Writings

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 6 - Scientific and Philosophical Writings

by Jonathan Edwards

This volume contains two major manuscript notebooks of Jonathan Edwards—"Natural Philosophy" and "The Mind"—as well as a number of shorter manuscript writings connected with his scientific interests and philosophical development. Several of the shorter papers have not previously been published, notably Edwards’ letter on the "flying" spider (hither kno… Read more…

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 5 - Apocalyptic Writings

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 5 - Apocalyptic Writings

by Jonathan Edwards

This edition presents the first text of Jonathan Edwards’ private commentary on the book of Revelation. Written over a period of thirty-five years, Edwards’ notebook reveals his lifelong fascination with apocalyptic speculation (including its bizarre aspects) and his persistent conviction concerning the usefulness of the visions in the life of the Christ… Read more…

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 4 - The Great Awakening

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 4 - The Great Awakening

by Jonathan Edwards

Interpreting the Great Awakening of the eighteenth century was in large part the work of Jonathan Edwards; whose writings on the subject defined the revival tradition in America. Moving from sensitive descriptions of "the Surprising work of God" in conversion to a consuming quest for the essence of true religion, and threading his way through mounting contro… Read more…

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 3 - Original Sin

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 3 - Original Sin

by Jonathan Edwards

Description The controversy over human deprivation which raged throughout the eighteenth century was no mere intramural squabble among theologians but an important phase of the evolution in Western man’s estimate of his nature and potentialities. By the time Jonathan Edwards entered the lists to champion the hated doctrine of original s… Read more…

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 2 - Religious Affections

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 2 - Religious Affections

by Jonathan Edwards

This volume contains Edwards’ most mature and persistent attempt to judge the validity of the religious development in eighteenth-century America known as the Great Awakening. In developing criteria for such judgment he attacked at the same time one of the fundamental questions facing all religion: how to distinguish genuine from spurious piety? The Awaken… Read more…

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 1 - Freedom of the Will

Works of Jonathan Edwards: Volume 1 - Freedom of the Will

by Jonathan Edwards

This inaugural volume in The Works of Jonathan Edwards is his major contribution to theology and stands as a leading document on Calvinist thought. Mr. Ramsey’s introduction provides a fresh analysis of Edwards’ theological position, includes a study of his life and the intellectual issues in the America of his time, and examines the problem of free wil… Read more…

The Lordship of Jesus Christ

The Lordship of Jesus Christ

by William H Pape

"In words of gentle, yet pointed, rebuke, Christ turned to His disciples with the very pertinent question, ‘Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?’ (Luke 6:46). Holiness is not correct Christian phraseology, but an unreserved commitment to unquestioning obedience to whatever the Lord requires." —Bill Pape, The Lordship … Read more…

The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross

The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross

by Patrick Schreiner

“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” —Matthew 13:31–32 When Jesus began his ministry, he ann… Read more…

The City of God and the Goal of Creation

The City of God and the Goal of Creation

by T. Desmond Alexander

“For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” –Hebrews 13:14 At the very heart of God’s plan for the world stands an extraordinary city. Beginning with the garden of Eden in Genesis and ending with the New Jerusalem in Revelation, the biblical story reveals how God has been working throughout history to … Read more…

Counterpoints: Four Views on the Church's Mission

Counterpoints: Four Views on the Church's Mission

by Christopher J. H. Wright, John R. Franke, Jonathan Leeman and Peter J. Leithart

This book articulates various evangelical views regarding the church's mission and provides a healthy, vigorous, and gracious debate on this controversial topic. In a helpful Counterpoints format, this volume demonstrates the unique theological frameworks, doctrinal convictions, and missiological conclusions that inform and distinguish the views:Soteriol… Read more…

Counterpoints: Five Views on the Church and Politics

Counterpoints: Five Views on the Church and Politics

by Bruce Fields, Stanley N. Gundry, J Brian Benestad, Robert Benne, Thomas W Heilke, James KA Smith and Amy E Black

Few topics can grab headlines and stir passions quite like politics, especially when the church is involved. Considering the attention that many Christian parachurch groups, churches, and individual believers give to politics—and of the varying and sometimes divergent political ideals and aims among them—Five Views on the Church and Politics provides a h… Read more…

Covenant and God's Purpose for the World

Covenant and God's Purpose for the World

by Thomas R. Schreiner

“Behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations.” —Genesis 17:4 Throughout the Bible, God has related to his people through covenants. It is through these covenant relationships, which collectively serve as the foundation for God’s promise to bring redemption to his people, that we can unde… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1635)