In the latest addition to BECNT, Pauline scholar Thomas Schreiner presents a fresh analysis of the substantive Book of Romans. It features many distinctives. "I have tried to write a scholarly commentary that fulfills the goals of brevity and lucidity," Schreiner explains. "One of my goals has been to trace the flow of thought in the letter so that the reader can understand how the argument unfolds. I have also tried to wrestle with the meaning of Romans theologically. . . . In particular, I have attempted to demonstrate inductively that the glory of God is the central theme that permeates the letter."
Each exegetical unit of the commentary is divided into four parts: (1) introduction, theme summary, and structural outline; (2) translation; (3) paragraph-by-paragraph exegesis and exposition; and (4) additional notes that comment on unique themes of a passage, interpretive problems, textual variants, and other critical issues. Pastors, students, and scholars will find Romans an easy-to-use, yet comprehensive, resource.
"Schreiner's commentary on Romans is a very good contribution to the study of this Pauline epistle. [It] will be a great help to students, teachers, and general educated readers of the Pauline letters."--Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ, Catholic University of America