"Today I am actually living in the Acts of the Apostles' time, I am speaking with new tongues, the Holy Fire of God's presence fills me till my pen moves to the glory of God, and my whole being is filled with the Presence of the Holy Ghost." — Smith Wigglesworth
In Only Believe, readers will discover Smith Wigglesworth's treasures mined out of journals from London to Australia, away from the spotlight of his better-known published works. These selections, crafted into 180 short devotional readings, are sparkling gems that thunder and whisper. They will transport you back to the tent or coliseum where Wigglesworth originally preached and where the deaf heard, the sick were healed, and the most hardened sinners were converted and became model citizens. The biography that accompanies these devotions will offer a glimpse into the life of the man who spoke such Holy Spirit-filled words.
Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) was a British preacher who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism. He traveled throughout the world as a preacher and revivalist and performed many miracles and faith healings throughout his long career in ministry.
Wayne Warner (editor), the retired director of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Springfield, Missouri, compiled and edited these excerpts. He is also the editor of The Annointing of His Spirit (also by Smith Wigglesworth) and The Essential Smith Wigglesworth (with Joyce Lee).