The English Standard Version Bible is now available with Strong's Numbers, a powerful Bible study tool.
Olive Tree's Bible App makes Strong's numbers easy and powerful. Tap on a word or Strong's number in the text and open the related dictionary information in a new screen, split screen, or pop-up window, depending on your device and settings.
Video: How Strong's Tagged Bibles work in the Olive Tree Bible App
Like the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible in Olive Tree's Bible App, ESV with Strong's includes all the footnotes and cross-references of the ESV in print, along with poetry formatting, section headings, and red-letter support for the words of Jesus in the Gospels.
About Strong's Numbers:
The well-known Strong's Exhaustive Concordance lists all the significant words in the Bible and references each word to the original Hebrew and Greek languages. The concordance was first published in 1890 by Dr. James Strong, whose life's work was to provide students of the Bible with an accurate and functional tool to understand the Bible's original language. He and others worked on the list for 35 years without the aid of today's technology. Dr. Strong's work is still universally recognized as one of the essential aids for studying the Bible.
About the ESV Bible translation:
The ESV is an "essentially literal" translation that seeks to capture the precise wording of the original text and the personal style of each Bible writer. It aims for "word-for-word" correspondence while taking into account differences of grammar, syntax, and idiom between current literary English and the original Greek and Hebrew languages. It seeks to be transparent to the original text, revealing as directly as possible to the reader the structure and meaning of the original.
As an essentially literal translation, the ESV works to convey every possible nuance of meaning in the original words of Scripture into contemporary English. It is ideally suited for in-depth study of the Bible.