The Chinese Standard Bible is an all-new Chinese Bible translation, translated from the original biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) and faithfully captures the meaning and authentically preserves the style of the original languages. As one of the most accurate and readable Chinese versions available today, it meets the modern Chinese language standards and the need of Chinese at different educational levels. The Chinese Standard Bible is a joint project of Global Bible Initiative and Holman Bible Publishers, organized by a team of prominent Bible scholars and linguistic experts, benefiting from the most up-to-date technology. Please note that this particular edition of the Chinese Standard Bible uses traditional Chinese characters.
《中文標準譯本》是一本全新的中文聖經譯本;是從聖經原文(希伯來文、亞蘭文和希臘文)直接翻譯過來,最大程度上忠實於原文,保持原有的語言風格,符合現代漢語規範,適合於各種文化程度的人士;是現今最為準確、可讀性最強的中文聖經譯本之一。《中文標準譯本》是由全球聖經促進會 (Global Bible Initiative) 和霍爾曼聖經出版社 (Holman Bible Publishers) 組織的海內外聖經學者和語言專家團隊,配合先進的電腦技術,傾注多年心血的項目。