Wilson presents a very practical and pastoral guide to many of the countless issues that arise in conservative Christian churches. The essays span subjects ranging from the nature of legalism and church authority to worship music, debt, youth ministry, and pastoral character. The elder questions at the end are killers; try them on.
From the book: "Modern evangelicals have gained money, power, and influence, and it has been like giving whiskey to a two-year-old. The need of the hour is theological, not political. The arena is the pulpit and the table, not the legislative chamber. Before we are equipped to proclaim His lordship to the inhabitants of all the earth, we must live as though we believed it in the Church."
Douglas Wilson is pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine, and a Senior Fellow at New St. Andrews College. In his spare time, he whacks bee hives just to see what happens.