There is a growing crisis among our men and boys in the area of sexual temptation and sin: pornography use is skyrocketing and increasing numbers of men find themselves entangled in a web they can't seem to escape. Yet many men feel greatly misunderstood by their women, while just as many women feel mystified and powerless to help their men.
—Mary Farrar, Reading Your Male
Now author Mary Farrar confirms that every woman—whether a wife, mother, or single woman—can play a powerful and pivotal role in the male sexual struggle by entering into her man's world, and:
- seeing through his eyes,
- thinking with his mind,
- feeling with his emotions,
- connecting with his soul.
Reading Your Male de-mystifies inner male sexuality, exposes the enemy's tactics in taking down our men, and equips women to use their innate gifts in becoming a man's greatest ally in the fight for victory. Using biblical insight and up-to-date research, Farrar also tackles some of the most elusive questions women are asking today, such as:
- Why do men struggle so deeply in the area of sexuality?
- What are we to think about pornography and masturbation?
- Why does this generation of men appear to be so reticent?
- What does a man crave most from a woman?
- What is a woman's most powerful gift to her man?
- How can a woman draw out an emotionally unavailable man?
- What is a healthy view of strong femininity and beauty?