The wife of a minister is made of the same stuff as any other woman, but her circumstances set her apart. If you’ve married into the ministry, you know the difficulty of balancing the demands of your church and your family, the stresses of clergy marriage, the pressure of unrealistic expectations, and the setbacks of ministry—and the joys. Other than Jesus himself, only a ministry wife really understands what it’s like to be a ministry wife. This devotional is written for you. In its pages, you’ll find not only wisdom and encouragement from God’s Word, but also the reassurance and solidarity of fellow ministry wives who are traveling the road with you and who know the territory. Kathy Chapell, Jeanne Hendricks, Barbara Hughes, Heather Olford, Jan Ortlund, Noël Piper, Sue Sailhamer, Paulette Washington, and many others share their experiences and their hearts in ninety daily reflections that begin with a Scripture verse and conclude with a prayer. Their insights are short, honest, intimate, and practical—and they always point you back to the One who is your ultimate source of help and guidance.