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The Heart of a Father: How You Can Become a Dad of Destiny
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The Heart of a Father: How You Can Become a Dad of Destiny
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Northfield Publishing
The Heart of a Father: How You Can Become a Dad of Destiny
The Heart of a Father: How You Can Become a Dad of Destiny
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Northfield Publishing
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
Every father has a hidden longing to see his children surpass him. To help him achieve this, Ken Canfield offers a three-part plan. First, a dad should examine his own heart. Next, he should take steps to improve the way he connects with his children. Lastly, he should take a longer range view and plan specifically for a lifetime of involved fathering. Canfield's plan addresses a father's past-a father should resolve his relationship with his own father in order to effectively build a relationship with his children. Canfield also explains how to build the four "walls" or dimensions, of fathering: involvement, awareness, consistency, and nurturing. He then supplies a plan for the future. From being a new father to being a grandfather, dads face challenges at each stage of their life. With the long-range perspective this book provides, fathers can anticipate and prepare for the changing situations they'll face. Based on years of careful research involving thousands of fathers, this book is a solid reference tool for dads.
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