Be encouraged to fight the good fight of faith, see the triumph of Christ over all his enemies, and the blessed future that lies ahead.
Containing the entire text of the two-volume set, this commentary leaves ambiguity behind and provides a clear, forthright and complete exposition of the book of Revelation. With a goal to provide understanding of eschatology in general, and Revelation in particular, difficult passages are explained and scriptural validation is provided.
This book will be helpful for pastors to understand and expound on Revelation to their congregations from the pulpit, with outlines embedded in each chapter, transformative applications of the text, and a homiletical structure and approach that pastors will find valuable in message preparation. The introduction provides an extended explanation of the interpretive approach needed to properly understand the book. The body of the work contains a complete exposition of Revelation and Daniel 2 and 7. The four appendices contain an exposition of Matthew 24, Daniel 9, Ezekiel 40-43, and the source and nature of civil government.
This book is also designed for believers who desire to understand Revelation. It will finally make sense to them, and it will powerfully inspire them. They will see the triumph of Christ in defeating and destroying the works of the Devil. They will understand the spiritual warfare they must fight to defeat Satan and his helpers. They will be equipped to effectively advance the Kingdom of God and persevere in the faith. They will be encouraged to face the future with optimism and confidence as they contemplate the glories of the new heaven and the new earth that await them. The blessings and the triumph that Revelation promises can be understood and obtained by every Christian!
Max Doner has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Sacramento State University in Sacramento, California. He also graduated from The Sacramento Bible Institute in Sacramento, California, with a diploma after a three-year non-accredited seminary-level course of study. He was a Reformed Baptist pastor for 34 years who held a full subscription to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith throughout those years. He founded and pastored two Reformed Baptist churches, one in Sacramento, California, and one in Lebanon, Oregon.