With a highly readable and colorful narrative, The Story of the Bible covers in a sweeping panorama the writing and transmission of the Bible through the ages. The writing of the Old and New Testaments, the canonization of the Scriptures, and stories of those who gave their lives to make the Bible available in the common language -- all are reported clearly and reverently with the power of anecdotal illustrations.
The Bible is a remarkable collection of books and letters, written by more than forty authors over a period of 1,500 years. Its words have been studied, disputed, and treasured. They have also brought comfort, conviction, and challenge. Today at least one portion of the Bible has been translated into more than 3,350 of the world's 7,100 living languages.
The eBook of The Story of the Bible is a portal to more than eighty resources on the Internet for exploring the history of the Bible. Through the links in the eBook you can watch parchment being made, unroll the Great Isaiah Scroll and see a translation, meet some of the key people in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, view a colorful Bible dedication in Papua New Guinea, and more. The Story of the Bible is complete, concise, and understandable.
It was named one of the ten best Christian books of the year when it was published. Nine vibrant chapters bring the journey and message of Scripture to life. As you read it, you can experience the heartbeat of God in the lives transformed by the Bible's message of ultimate truth and justice. Absolutely educationally inspiring!!
“The Story of the Bible tells beautifully and crisply how the Bible came together and how it has been read through the centuries. It is a joy to scan and is rich to read, an excellent book about the most unique book in the world.” – Darrell Bock, Ph.D., author, Jesus: According to the Scriptures and Breaking the DaVinci Code
“The Story of the Bible offers breathtaking insight and compelling clues into the Bible and its power over the heart of mankind.” – Rabbi Daniel Lapin, American Alliance of Jews and Christians
Larry Stone is a publisher and author. After helping build the successful book division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, he co-founded Rutledge Hill Press, and is president of F.F. Bruce Copyright International. He has published more than a dozen New York Times bestsellers. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute and University of Iowa, Larry has studied at the New York University Graduate School of Business Administration, taught writing seminars in Africa, America, and the Caribbean, and has been executive director of KidShape. Larry and his wife, Lois, have two sons and eleven grandchildren. They live in Nashville, Tennessee, and Kattskill Bay, New York.