As a youth worker you have certainly spent much of your time addressing the current issues facing teens, but have you stopped to think about what may be behind students’ behavior? Many of the not-so-wise choices students make are the result of a confused worldview that comes from uncertainty about who God is. It’s easy for students to dismiss the truth when they learn from the world that all truth is relative. Creative Bible Lessons: Essential Theology uses a conversational approach to give students a theological foundation to better understand God and his purpose for how to live their lives. Throughout the twelve sessions of this study students will— • learn how creation provides evidence of God’s existence. • look at how God has chosen to reveal himself through his Word. • learn to live lives that reflect God’s love for them. • understand their need for God’s direction. • commit to following God’s will as they make life decisions. • discover how God’s invitation to enter his kingdom affects the direction of their lives. • examine where they are with God on a personal level. Following in the tradition of the bestselling Creative Bible Lessons series, you’ll find audio, visual, and hands-on activities to engage your students in the pursuit of theology. And because every student learns differently, each lesson includes options to help you reach your particular group of students, whether they learn best from imaginative, analytic, common sense, or dynamic teaching styles. With all these tools at your disposal you are guaranteed to get your students fired-up for seeking God and his plan for them.