"The difference between a religion of mere letter and form and one of life and power lies in knowing the Holy Spirit."
It was Dr. R. A. Torrey who pointed that out and showed Christians that the Holy Spirit is a Person to be worshiped, Someone who would take hold of you and use you as He transformed you from day to day.
Can you, or can any Christian, go far in the Christian life without giving time and thought to the third Person of the Godhead? Obviously not, for the Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ and shows them to us, who makes the practical application of Bible knowledge in the outworking of Christian living. He alone can make Christian theory into life and deeds.
Throughout this book, Dr. Pache will direct us into thinking again about who the Holy Spirit is, what He did before Pentecost, and what He has been doing since then in the lives of men. What place does the Holy Spirit have in the service of the Christian worker, and what will be His ministry in the future? The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit answers these questions and others concerning conviction, baptism, filling, indwelling, and gifts of the Spirit.