You can win over your temptations!
If you want to walk in fullness and step into your purpose, you must stop pandering to your own lusts and cravings. Jerry Potter explains how to subdue them and renew your mind with the mind of Christ.
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." -Matthew 16:24, NIV These words were an invitation, from Christ to His disciples, to surrender to God’s will for their lives, and enter a new dynamic relationship with Him. Each section of this book deals with Christ’s words, and how we should give up our self-will and receive the keys to the kingdom of God. The first section of the book uses the story of Elijah and Elisha to reveal the seven steps of self-denial. Their journey shows how God deals with our self-life. God’s purpose is to anoint us with His spirit to finish the ministry of Jesus on earth, just as Elisha finished the ministry of Elijah. The other section of the book uses the beatitudes as an example of what the Christian life is like when God enters our lives. He has given us a picture of a life blessed by the Holy Spirit in the beatitudes.
About the Author:
Rev. Jerry Potter has spoken and taught in seminaries and major churches around the world. He held a conference in Sweden for Lutheran pastors, and published a book in Sweden titled Upon This Rock. After becoming an ordained pastor, Jerry became the assistant pastor of Evangel Temple in Pensacola, Florida. He became pastor of Elberta Assembly of God in Elberta, Alabama, where Jerry felt his call into evangelism. He is now the pastor of New Life Fellowship in Columbus, Mississippi.
5.5” x 8.5”, Soft Cover
Trade Paper; 240 pages